View Full Version : !!!need your help!!!

15-10-10, 13:37
Hey all

today i got a letter from tribunal services! I have a rough date now!
I am appealing that i am not fit for work as i suffer from agarophobia ect..

I would love it if the jobcenter were more understanding about mental health issues!
and that having agarophobia dose caus physical pain and disscomfert!
I am going to speak with my local MP about this matter!
and see if there is anything he could do, to make things a bit easeir for people like ourself. so we do not have to go through all of this rubbish with the jobcenter - medical , appeals , ect...
becouse at the end of the day it is hard for us!
And i feel that your anxiety gets worse becouse you have to go through all of this before they see that there is a problem.

what i want - is your "vote" to make mental health issues more accepted and understood by the jobcenter and that it dose put you in physical pain and discomfert if you suffer from agarophobia ect..

I will be printing off all replys and taking them with me to the tribunal!!

thanks again

15-10-10, 13:42
Gavin - have you looked at my threads from the past couple of days n his one? I have contacted my MP too.

paula lynne
15-10-10, 16:08
Im with you all the way gavin.
Ive suffer with agoraphobia for ten years. Previous to that I funded myself through colledge, and 3 years at university as a single parent and qualified as a neurosurgical nurse.
Im made to feel like a second class citizen. I WANT TO WORK...
Agoraphobia is dismissed and it makes me so mad...we cant SHOW people whats wrong.
My medical is coming up and Im scared.
They make you feel worthless, and the facial expressions and body language is enough to sent me into a downward spiral of panic again.....
Im with you all the way.
Good luck. x:hugs:

15-10-10, 17:27
Hi Gavin. The amount of stress ive had to go through dealing with the jobcentre is just unbelievable. I didn't receive any money for almost a year because I couldn't deal with it. They made me feel like a criminal for daring to have agoraphobia! It's not a choice. I'd love to be out working. But they don't undrestand that, or care seemingly. It's a disgrace. I only receive about 45 pounds a week, paid every two weeks, and thats cos i live with my parents. I wish I could just tell them where to stuff it as it hardly seems worth it sometimes. I recently received a letter telling me I have to go to glasgow for a medical examination. I've had alot of trouble with this in the past before. How am i supposed to travel over an hour in a car when i can barely go into the shops by myself? :huh: Its not like everyone who says they have this problem is making it up. If i was intelligent enough to make up such an elaborate scheme i wouldnt need to be claiming benefits. Uff i'm getting angry just writing this, lol. Anyway best of luck mate.

elf maiden
15-10-10, 19:42
Hi Gavin
I wish you all the luck in the world. i went through a tribunal a couple of years ago and they told me i seemed perfectly normal and therefore fit for work. they did not even ONCE mention the fact that when it is windy outside i cant leave the house, meaning i can be housebound for days if its really bad weather. they seemed more interested in a swallowing problem i had - which had nothing to do with why i couldnt work at all! it was insane.
im now on job seekers, winters coming, which is which is when my wind phobia is worse and even my Disability Employment Advisor totally ignores me when i ask how i am supposed to keep a job if when there is every chance i could be phoning in sick goodness knows how often. i really want to work, but have i been offered any help or support by the jobcentre with my phobia - no.
good luck gavin