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15-10-10, 14:26
I haven't self harmed in a year.

I just did something that I kept telling myself didn't count, because it was just pushing a safety pin into the dead surface skin on the side of my hand. But I've been doing it over and over for about an hour all over the hand and it is now red and sore and covered in tiny bits of loose skin and there is a tiny bit of blood.

I'm finding it really hard to not keep doing it. I want to do it.

I feel like a failure.:weep:

15-10-10, 14:36
Hi BunnyMazonas,

Don’t think of it as a failure because that’ll only keep the cycle going. Focus on the fact that you’ve not done it for a year. In my book, that’s a success! :yesyes:

Distraction often helps because it gives the mind something else to focus on and the body something else to be doing. Is it possible to go out for a walk?

Also, have you read this page about Self Harm (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/selfharm/). It has a lot of good ideas.

Take care,

15-10-10, 14:37
Its been a year since you last self harmed? Thats a huge achievement. Has something happened that has made you want to do it again now?

15-10-10, 15:00
Thank you both for your replies. I'm not really sure what made me want to do it. I've been feeling a bit down and concerned about work, what with the disciplinary they're scheduling for my time off, but I've been taking action about that so I've been okay with it.

I just started needing to do it. I wish I could identify the trigger for it. I've been unusually sensitive to noises around me recently, which tends to happen when I am feeling strained.

Unfortunately I'm in the office now and can't do anything escept work at my desk... where it is far too easy to start it again!

15-10-10, 15:36
Hi honey,

Please try not to let this appear as a failure. I've never been in the same awful situation, but whilst in hospital I did see people of all ages using this method of alleviating their own mental pain.

So, I do recognise the great strides you've made in your recovery, and give you enormous credit. This is not an easy ride, but with determination, you will succeed.

Keeping you in my thoughts, and sending you extra love at this particular time.

Sue x :flowers:

paula lynne
15-10-10, 15:45
Hi hun, youve actually made massive improvement..well done to you x
I self harm with a knife before my period, and as knowledge is power, I forced myself to research WHY I did it...apparently its related to severe pmt which I suffer from. Its hard not to do it as it feels like a "release"...I understand.
Everyone is individual, so recognise the improvement youve made first and foremost.
Never give up, you are stronger than the urge.
You wernt born like this, nor me, or the millions who do this.
Knowledge is power.....read up.
With you all the way.
Best wishes.:hugs:sorry 4 spelling, new glasses next week...hooray!! x