View Full Version : Yet to hear of anyone else whos had this... :(

15-10-10, 14:42
please, please anyone help :(

Im yet to hear of anyone else who has suffered this :( does ne1 get a change in senses, not just when they are anxious/having panic attack?? orf even when they are infact having a panic attack, does your sense of touch change in any way??

Basically, my sense of touch changes, it happens loads throughout the day, not constantly there but comes and go but at least every half hour. Some days alot longer. If i for example pick something up, the feel of it feels strange in my hand, like my fingers are over sensitised and the object im holding feels strange, like i dont know how its meant to feel. Its rly weird and hard to describe! I get weakness in my hands with this too, and right arm feels very weak/heavy, sometimes left arm too but mostly right. i cant lift anything without my arms and hands feeling very achey and extremely weak afterwards, its rly odd. I keep thinking MND or some other neuological disorder, or spinal disorder.

I clench my fists together all the time, not literally like a fist but i like clench my hands rlyyyy tight and twist them its rly weird :( and when im typing i go all clumsy sometimes and find it hard to type, im constantly stretching too. I just scratched my arm and then the hand i was scratching with went really weak/heavy after i had scratched it,like it took loadsa energy out of me just to scratch! what the hell!!!

what the hell is going on? Ive had blood tests and nothing shows up. I know this is not normal though.. and no1 has ever said 'oh i get that too!' which obv worries me even more :(

i do get the sensory changes badly when im having a panic attack, but i get it badly when im not having one too, so i honestly dont think its down to anxiety, i cant find anything on the internet that relates this to anxiety. Just typing wears my hands out and they feel so tired heavy and weak afterwards! (its starting now) :(

the only logical thing could be muscle tension but i dont rly feel tense (only in my neck somtimes) and im sure if it was tension then there would at least something on the internet that says this could cause weakness AND sense of touch changes...

I feel like a complete and utter freak, and to top it all off, my 2 year has got tonsilitis and i just feel like crying, going to sleep and never waking up :(

please help :( sum1 i cant cope anymore with the worry :(

15-10-10, 15:25
Dont worry - I think its perfectly normal in anxiety - almost like the feeling of derealisation or depersonalisation. When I am in a state of anxiety of panic I sometimes feel like my arms and legs do not belong to my body, im picking something up and looking at my arms like "whats that doing". Its very weird, but I think perfectly normal for people like us.

Even when Im not in a heightened state of anxiety, i feel detached sometimes, like my arms are weak and not connected etc or that my legs are moving but I dont feel they are there.

I am also getting the weakness in my arms and legs like they are jelly and really really heavy. Have severe weakness in neck too.

Hope that helps

15-10-10, 16:07
I have side effects like you describe, on and off during the day. It's horrible, and I never know whether it's from the medication I take, or my panic/anxiety.

As I write my head is buzzing, and feels like it's going to explode. Blimey, I hope it doesn't cos although it feels messed up right now, I'm sure that in the end I'll get it straightened out! :wacko:

On a more serious note, have you begun any new meds recently, which could be causing your symptoms?

You're no way a freak, just attempting to understand why this damn illness affects us all in different ways.

Take yourself off to bed for a nap, then get up, make yourself a cup of tea, and then tend to your little one - he needs you, we need you, and more definitely, 'you need you!'. :bighug1:

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

15-10-10, 16:25
thanks guys x im trying to convince myself its anxiety but its not common in anxiety so its making me think its not anxiety and some serious illness :( thanks again xx

15-10-10, 17:58
I get this all the time. As I'm typing now, it feels like my hands dont belong to me. They feel very weak and my fingertips feel numb.

My face is also feeling a bit numb. I can move my mouth and my eyebrows etc, its just a numb feeling. I've already convinced myself a few times today that I am having a stroke. And then I saw this forum and decided to join. I have experienced most of the symptoms mentioned here and it definitely looks like an anxiety problem. I have not been diagnosed as having it, but from all the symptoms, thats what it looks like to me.

16-10-10, 00:34

sometimes my arms and hands dont feel real. they feel numb and very strange.

sometimes i get that numb feeling in my face.

I also get this feeling sometimes that my head is to heavy for my shoulders.

love mandie x

16-10-10, 16:02
I can relate to some of what you said. My anxiety tried to blame some sort of neurological disorder as I was getting weird touch sensory sensations in my right leg and sometimes in my hands. Trouble is everyone responds to anxiety/fear differently so what someone feels doesn't necessarily mean you will feel the exact same. We are all built/coded differently.
Hope this helps.

16-10-10, 17:20
my sense of smell has changed. no changes in touch though.