View Full Version : Blurry vision, feeling "Spaced out", Lightheadedness, HA or...?

15-10-10, 17:23
I started having panic attacks about 14 months ago. I've come quite a long way since then with thanks to CBT and with support from my family but the one thing that seems to stick with me is this lightheaded, blurry vision 'Spaced out' Dizzy feeling. It's the only way I can describe it.

I get it mostly when I'm out, I have no idea why... It's pretty much constant when I'm out but I do get it at home too. For instance I notice if I've been doing something upstairs for quite a while and then come downstairs, when I reach my kitchen I feel dizzy, Lightheaded, and 'Spaced out' it's weird. I can continue doing what I'm doing but it really frustrates me.

I'm not extremely anxious all of the time but I must admit that thoughts of illness and worry are never too far from my mind. Is anxiety causing this?

I've been to the doctors a few times with this in the past year and been given blood tests and nothing was ever found. My rational mind tells me it must be anxiety since it only started after I had my first panic attack but surely this symptom shouldn't be here mostly ALL of the time? Some days I can feel anxiety free but still have this weird feeling which causes me anxiety, and so the circle begins!


x :flowers:

15-10-10, 17:52
Ella! :) Ive had THE EXACT same thing ever since my panic attacks started in January this year. Exactly as u described it. Blurred, offish, strange vision accompanied with a spaced-out lighthheadedness!! I too get it EVERY SINGLE TIME i go out, mostly in supermarkets and high streets! when im shopping for clothes i get it badly, must be the concentration lol. I hate it, and it used to scare me alot as it was and is pretty much CONSTANT. I think its related to Depersonalization/Derealization. Have u ever had this? It causes alot of vision changes and spaced out feelings.

Its weird tho coz i get it when i dont even feel anxious! Im not anxious going out to town with my little one, shopping etc, but for sum reason i still get anxiety symptoms?? doesnt make sense!! do u get the same thing or do u always know ur anxious when u get symptoms?? I think im probably always anxious subconciously though.. just rly hard to accept though i think :( But deffo dont worry hunny, this is classic panic and anxiety, and a neuro doc told me it was due to heigtened senses from adrenalin release from the anxiety which makes all the little nerve endings in our eyes and brain go 'haywire', causing strange symptoms like these. I fort i was abnormal so its nice to know im not the only one! Visual symptoms are wot bother me the most as these are obviously wot we use to see and do things, etc, and when its not quite right it can rly affect us as it makes u not feel normal..

dizziness and vertigo are rly difficult to live with and like u ive had testsdone and nothing shows up. waiting for my echo which is the 26th! eek! but tbh, my worry has now moved onto my brain or spine, as im getting rly bad weakness in hands and arms. Also these englarged lymph nodes in groin and neck havent gone yet either :(

Try not to worry neway lovey, ur totally fine, just horrible anxiety again! i hate it! xxxxx

15-10-10, 22:45

I also get exactly the same symptoms. I get it worse when im out shopping but also get at home too.

Even when i dont think im feeling particulary anxious, i still get it.

love mandien x

15-10-10, 23:27
Ella! :) Ive had THE EXACT same thing ever since my panic attacks started in January this year. Exactly as u described it. Blurred, offish, strange vision accompanied with a spaced-out lighthheadedness!! I too get it EVERY SINGLE TIME i go out, mostly in supermarkets and high streets! when im shopping for clothes i get it badly, must be the concentration lol. I hate it, and it used to scare me alot as it was and is pretty much CONSTANT. I think its related to Depersonalization/Derealization. Have u ever had this? It causes alot of vision changes and spaced out feelings.

Its weird tho coz i get it when i dont even feel anxious! Im not anxious going out to town with my little one, shopping etc, but for sum reason i still get anxiety symptoms?? doesnt make sense!! do u get the same thing or do u always know ur anxious when u get symptoms?? I think im probably always anxious subconciously though.. just rly hard to accept though i think :( But deffo dont worry hunny, this is classic panic and anxiety, and a neuro doc told me it was due to heigtened senses from adrenalin release from the anxiety which makes all the little nerve endings in our eyes and brain go 'haywire', causing strange symptoms like these. I fort i was abnormal so its nice to know im not the only one! Visual symptoms are wot bother me the most as these are obviously wot we use to see and do things, etc, and when its not quite right it can rly affect us as it makes u not feel normal..

dizziness and vertigo are rly difficult to live with and like u ive had testsdone and nothing shows up. waiting for my echo which is the 26th! eek! but tbh, my worry has now moved onto my brain or spine, as im getting rly bad weakness in hands and arms. Also these englarged lymph nodes in groin and neck havent gone yet either :(

Try not to worry neway lovey, ur totally fine, just horrible anxiety again! i hate it! xxxxx

Thank you soooooo much hun, you're post has helped me so much. :)

Yeah I get anxiety symptoms even though I don't feel anxious, it's frustrating because my boyfriend will say "You probably are anxious but don't know it" and I'm like then how on earth am I ever going to get rid of Anxiety if it happens and I don't even know it!!!

I hope your ECHO goes well, do post and let us know.I'm sure everything will come back perfect! :) Did the doctor say what was causing your englarged lymph nodes? I have a lump on my leg that no doctor seems to have an answer for and now I have to have a bloody MRI! It just seems to never end!

Thanks again for your post, you have really helped so much. I can always relate to your posts and it's nice to know I'm not the only one with strange symptoms!


15-10-10, 23:28

I also get exactly the same symptoms. I get it worse when im out shopping but also get at home too.

Even when i dont think im feeling particulary anxious, i still get it.

love mandien x

Thanks for your reply Mandie!

Nice to know others get it too.


Going home
16-10-10, 01:31
Blurry vision, feeling 'spaced out', lightheadedness, HA or...? Or nothing more Ella, its definately health anxiety believe me, but like most of us you probably won't :) but these are absolutely classic symptoms of it. I'm assuming you've also had many reassurences from your doctor?

Anna xx

20-12-12, 03:22
Just adding a note to old thread, for people searching blurry vision.

There are more spectacular vision problems if it is migraine, called aura. I get those a couple of times a year at most. I do not get them at the same time as the headache, so it was confusing at first. There is nothing else wrong with my eyes.

Take care.