View Full Version : What is this now?

15-10-10, 17:58
Some of you will remember I had a bug a while back which was making me frrl sick and dizzy. It has gradually gone away and all my blood tests came back normal which suggest that there is nothing wrong with my general health.

I am still getting nauseous every so often though and the dizziness comes and goes - today it is worse. The overwhelming tiredness is back again.

I have had pretty bad indigestion since the bug went away though - not pain as much as reflux.

I am feeling constantly tight chested like I am struggling to breath properly - can reflux cause this?

And I also am getting a pain just below my left shoulder blade. I am freaking myself out about this. I have tried to ignore it but it isn't going away. It does however come and go and isn't there constantly.

I am waking up feeling short of breath as well.

Can anyone offer any explanations?

15-10-10, 23:25
Sounds so much like acid reflux. It can cause stomach ache, shoulder ache, nausea, breathlessness because the acid irritates your easophagus. It's a horrid illness. I suffer from acid and bile reflux and it makes me feel rotten at times. I also get very lightheaded and dizzy with it. Usually lansoprazol helps me though. That, together with a good diet. Please don't worry too much about it. It's a common complaint, horrible though it is. :flowers::flowers:

15-10-10, 23:37
Lightheaded and dizzy? Really? Why so?

Usually when I have acid I get burning in the centre of my chest but this doesn't really have any pain, can just feel it every so often in my throat, and the back pain is to the left of my back. Urgh, awful!

16-10-10, 19:49
So I was at the supermarket earlier and bent over to get something off a low shelf and when I stood up my chest felt like it was on fire and I could hardly breath. Does that sound like reflux?