View Full Version : what is wrong with me its recking my life

15-10-10, 19:10
my anixety is wrecking my life its awful i cnstantly feel on edge abit like im buzzing i complain about something new every day i spend every day worrying about dieing or a new illness

its recking my life were ment to be taking my little boy out on sunday and im nervous all ready im all ready panicing about things wrrying about silly things im to scared to go out tomorrow its just wrecking my life i spend every day sat in n my own :weep:

the gp doesnt help he just gives anti depressents i worry ill have a heart attack yet ive had three echos the last being two week ago and they all said my hearts perfect

yet every day i have aces in my chest
i feel woozy
it feels tight to breath
i ache from head to toe
i get hot flushes

ad many more

15-10-10, 19:27
i feel your pain i could have written that myself i have been in same situation for more than 3 years but i have good days and bad anxiety always present but ive learnt to function when the going gets very tough and my anxiety is at its worst i just hold my head up and plough through it does get easier i no im not gonna just drop down dead now it dosent stop me feeling like im going to but just knowing im not gives me that little bit of strength to leave the house in the morning i think acceptance is the key some days easier said than done sorry not much help xx

15-10-10, 20:14
thanks for your reply i wish you didnt feel the same as me because its awful but its nice to know im not alone x

Fly away Katie
16-10-10, 13:35
Thats definatley anxiety, I too have suffered just like you.
I agree that it ruins your life. Sometimes I don't even want to get up in the morning, things get that bad :( but remember, you are not alone. We are all right there with you darling.
:hugs: x x x x x

04-12-10, 23:36
I too feel exactly the same. I feel ill all the time, and constantly have headaches, which of course I think are brain tumours! I know it sounds silly to other people and it makes me feel so alone.

There is a book I am reading called '' How not to worry'' - How to stop anxiety spoiling your life by Caroline Carr.

I am finding it extremely helpful and would definately recommend to anyone suffering from any type of anxiety and worry....

Hope this helps...