View Full Version : Nervous wait for test results...and the symptoms keep on coming!

15-10-10, 21:53
Hi, just having a panic about getting all my test results next week. I had a huge number of blood tests 2 weeks ago, MRI on brain and whole spine last Friday and nerve conduction test this week. The neurologist who referred me isn't back from holiday until next Thursday so I've had a long and nervous wait for these results to come back. His PA said that if anything bad showed up in the blood tests 'they' would ring me. Not sure who they is as it was done at private hospital and as far as I know the lab would just send the results to the consultant which would sit on his desk until he gets back, as private consultants are usually just stand-alone.

The nerve test showed my left arm nerves are much weaker than right and the doctor who did the test said it was probably coming from pressure on the cervical spine at C6 and C8 - and this would be causing the numbness in my fingers. But it's what is causing the pressure that has got me most worried. I am still in agony with my lower back and pelvic area pain and no pain killers can get near it. It's just a constant ache. I've slipped back into googling, but rather than trying to find worst case scenario I'm googling to try and find better case. So rather than tumour I'm hoping to find from google that it's some form of arthritis or something.

Nothing really seems to fit my symptoms though, and annoyingly they keep evolving. I've had pale yellow stools this week and yellow urine (sorry not pleasant), and I've also weighed today and realised I've now lost 4 kgs in the last few weeks. I'm losing masses of hair at the moment too, to the point it's getting noticeable. It feels like my lymph glands are up in my groin area as it feels quite sinuey where my thighs join my pelvic area, and also feel hard lumps on my pubic bone.

When I look back at my posts over the last few weeks I realise I sound like a nut case. I'm hoping that anxiety is making all these worse, but the symptoms just feel so real it's driving me mad. Can't wait until thursday to get my results, but at the same time absolutely petrified too.

16-10-10, 00:15
Hi Aussie, I'm not going to be much help here but I know how it feels when no-one answers your post - and you're NOT a nutcase.

Firstly, I'd have thought someone would be keeping an eye on your consultant's patients' test results while he/she is away. There is no reason for his PA to lie about somebody getting in touch if something serious showed up in your blood tests. I'm sure they wouldn't do that.

I have no expert knowledge but maybe it's worrying about your results that's causing some of your other symptoms. I know Thurs seems a long way off but try to keep calm if you can because there's nothing you can do but wait (I know that's not particularly helpful and it's understandable that you'll feel more anxious as Thurs approaches, but try not to dwell too much and find other things to occupy your mind.

I hope you get good news from the doc and please let us know how you get on x

16-10-10, 00:54
Thanks so much for your reply. You're definitely right, I just need to keep busy and keep my mind off the results until Thursday comes around as there's nothing I can do between now and then. Will let you know how I get on x

16-10-10, 01:56
Hello there :) this is my first time replying to someones comment so hope I do it ok. Have you tried a heat compress or like a wheat pack that you put in the microwave? They smell nice and help with any aches you might have. I know things seem bad but It's good to be safe in the knowledge that if anything is found then with todays medical science more or less anything is treatable and you will hopefully be dancing around this time next year. Take care, love and light xx

17-10-10, 21:17
Thanks for your reply and reassurance. Yes I've got a hot water bottle which does help a bit, and also put the electric blanket on in bed to keep heat on my back.

Only 4 days to go til I get the results, desperately hoping to hear it's just something minor!

18-10-10, 09:28
Are your stools pale all the time? And are you drinking enough water? Stools can be pale occassionally depending on what you've eaten or if your tummy has been off. And urine will be dark if you are dehydrated.

I presume they're doing a barage of tests and not just a FBC?

18-10-10, 17:56
No stools haven't usually been that pale and hasn't been that bad since. Not drinking enough water at the moment so that could explain the urine thing. Just worried me because the doctors always say I have blood in there every time I give urine sample but they never seem fussed about it.

The blood tests include fbc, tests for autoimmune disorders like lupus, crp for inflammation, arthritis, kidney and liver function tests too.

18-10-10, 18:03
That'll sort you out then. Good luck!

If the stools haven't persisted then I wouldn't worry about them. mien change from day to day as I;m sure every one elses do.