09-03-06, 19:13
guys just when i thought id posted enough for a while, i keep getting this gassy feeling in my stomach, like im bloated and something aint right, its that sicky feeling where nothings staying down, could it be im due on my period or could it be to do with worry, im getting all hot n bothered and tensed up cause im scared im gonna pass out with it cause its making me feel lightheaded, IM SO WORRIED help me

09-03-06, 19:21
hi katy it could be due to your period as the bloated feeling is common.i always feel awfull before my period.it also could be anxiety as this is common too .my guess it is a mixture of both.you will be ok and it will pass.try having a nice bath.try not to worry marcia xx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

09-03-06, 19:24
Thanks marcia im just scared of loosing control and i can always picture the ambualnce coming to my house and taking me away, its horrible x

09-03-06, 19:30
hi katy wat u are going through is similiar to me.i often think the worst but i have been trying to think logical instead of jumping to conclusions.sometimes it works others it doesnt.eventually we will get a grip of this and be able to move forward in our lives as this is no way to live. marcia xx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

09-03-06, 19:55

Yes, period or anxiety...either way it's not the greatest feeling. I woke up at 4am this morning with the most terrible stomach pains...bloating, tightness, upset, all of it. I know it's not my period coming, I'm pregnant so, I guess I chalk it up to my anxiety. Yet another lovely symptom, huh?

09-03-06, 20:51
Hi Katy. This is almost certainly just your anxiety, and your period combined. I mostly feel bloated when anxious, and always during my period. If it is making you feel a bit sicky, do you have any Andrews Liver salts? I swear by 1 teaspoon of this in half a tumbler of water to reduce my bloated, sicky feelings in 5-10 minutes.

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

09-03-06, 21:41

Tonic water in good swigs and a good burp helps

**i can always picture the ambualnce coming to my house and taking me away, its horrible x **

This is your biggest problem Katy- these extreme negative thoughts and images that are perpetuating the symptoms


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

09-03-06, 22:05
katy this could be both. i have felt very sick for days and i know this could be that my period is due. it could also be the worry i go through daily or the sinus problems i know i bring on myself due to the worry

take your pick mate but you are not alone and it will not harm you
hope this helps

09-03-06, 22:15
hi katy,yep all the above symptoms are common with us all!And i do agree the more you see youself being taken off in an ambulance the worse you will feel.Try seeing yourself on a warm beach or in any beautiful place,it's called visualisatioin,and you can put yourself in any good positive place.it is a wonderful tool to use i use it to help me go to sleep[i have a unicorn in my secret garden and i visit when i feel the anxiety setting in!Try it katy be freein your mind and your body will follow.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

10-03-06, 00:24
Katy katy katy...
You do hurt yourself with negetive thoughts ,but i cant say a thing because i do exactly the same .. you really are in a state, im there with you sweetheart ..honestley,i think of death, ambalnces , i even have visualised the doctors giving me heart massage(dont laf jack or marcia LOL) but its true..i think the worst things ,i think the worse of everything.
TREV where are you , trev yeah is exellent with his ways of explaining anxiety i just love him... but katy our thoughts are our feelings HAY TREV... and it is true... if i sat here taliking of eptopic beats yeah you can guarnetee in less than a min i will get one, our thoughts are so our feelings..
Mate i do what you do, i torture myself, i know how you feel--- i cant even go town without panicking when i am there, and feeling exsuated when i get home.. its the pits love..
Katy try and stop yourself, hard but try..

ash x