View Full Version : new and scared

16-10-10, 01:31
I am new to this forum although i have looked at the site before. I have had anxiety for about a year, predominantly panic attacks. It all came from nowhere so i am constantly searching for the reason why i have it. I have always been a chilled and fun person but everything has changed since i started having panic attacks.

For the past day i have had awful nausea and stomach problems. This, accompanied by shaking, palpitations and chest pain, just terrifies me. I am convinced i am going to have a heart attack. I get pains around left breast and under left rib cage, as well as tingling and tightness in left arm. Often the left side of my face goes numb and tingly.

I am worse at night although i have attacks that come from nowhere during the day too. When i lie on my side in bed my heartbeat pounds in my ear. Some days i wake up shaking. I get internal tremors and a severe visible tremor in my left hand. I often feel dizzy and it is worse when i lie down.

Sometimes at work i feel shakey before lunch so have something to eat, but then still feel woozy and always shakey late afternoon.

I have woken up in night recently with severe stomach pain and nausea and ended up fainting in bathroom. It is really scary to me. Surely that isn't anxiety too?

I am not good tonight. I don't understand why i have such extreme nausea. I can't sleep and don't want to be on my own as i am scared i am going to have heart attack. I am not having usual panic attack, i feel genuinely unwell. I know it sounds illogical but i feel just horrid.

Just posting for some company and understanding really... Fed up with it all i feel a bit desperate!!

16-10-10, 01:34
Hi bee10

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Going home
16-10-10, 01:37
Hi bee, don't be scared...you are describing the classic symptoms of anxiety and alot of us can relate to it especially when you live alone with it. Have you ever asked your doctor about your symptoms?

Anna xxx

16-10-10, 01:41
You will always find an undestanding person here to talk to.
There is always someone online. And check in the chat room too.

16-10-10, 01:42
Hi. Yes, had some blood tests, chest x ray and ecg about a year ago when it started out of blue... All results normal of course! this nausea is a new one for me though.
Considering trying some therapy or something holistic, although feels like i need a miracle at the moment! x

Going home
16-10-10, 01:51
A Miricle eh? lol, yes well we all feel like that here :D So you've had the tests and you'll probably have more in the future for reassurence, that's the usual pattern, unless you actually take on board all the advise and actually start to believe that it is only your anxious mind that is making your body react in this way...powerful stuff yes? its a kind of brain-washing and can go on for a long time if you let it...try not to. Keep posting and reading and hopefully you will realise that it is anxiety and that you're not alone with it. Its not pleasant and not comfortable and it has a bad habit of taking over if we let it...try not to let it.

Anna xxx

16-10-10, 01:54
Thank you. It is nice to speak to people who understand

paula lynne
16-10-10, 06:15
Hi Bee, a belated welcome to you, youre not alone x:welcome:

Fly away Katie
16-10-10, 13:20
Hi bee, and welcome to NMP, you are definitely not alone! I hope you find lots of comfort and support here x x x

18-10-10, 02:50
Hi Bee

Im new here and have been having panic and anxiety attacks for 4 years. Recently mine to have developed into severe stomach pains in the night and the feeling like im always goin to be sick even though i never am! These feelings are all new to me !! Im convinced im actually very ill :( reading on here though has made me feel a bit more confident that its all just symptoms of the anxiety and panic !!

Dan :)