View Full Version : A State of Balance (or lack thereof)

16-10-10, 02:05
I am going to try and describe my daily state as best as I can.

I usually don't get too anxious anymore, sometimes I'll have an episode where I feel like i need to breath in deep, or I feel like I am not breathing correctly.When that happens I am in a state of slight arousal, however it dissipates quickly.

What doesn't dissipate is my constant feeling of weakness, constant fatigue perhaps? What I feel is a sort of unbalanced dizziness, it is not dizziness per se, but a feeling of unstable balance..as if i am slightly swaying, this feeling is predominantly in my legs, accentuated by a sort of weak jelly knees kind of feel, and in my head by a stuffed, cotton headed sort of feel. Sometimes my eyes play a role as well, by becoming very dry and providing me with a very burning sensation.

This has been bothering me for years and I don't know how to stop it. Quiet honestly it is the only dominant symptom that I have. Some days it's more intense than others, it really feels like i am going to lose my balance every once in a while.

I am not sure what to do about it or if it's even anxiety or not.

Any ideas on what I can do to check myself or which doctors to go to?

16-10-10, 10:28
I can completely understand what you are saying because this is also the stage that im at.
I don't feel that anxious anymore, at least i dont think i do but because its been an on going thing all my life i find it hard to know if im anxious or not.
I also cant seem get rid of those symptoms you describe.
Ive had them for years and often question too if its all anxiety related, or is it my body taking a long time to recover from constant anxiety for so long, im not sure.

22-10-10, 04:18
To me it almost seems like your body it still just slightly sensitized.

22-10-10, 08:03
Cannot really offer any answers just that I get the same symptoms. My anxiety comes and goes and is generally gone more than there but the light headedness / dizziness often stays for weeks on end. I’m guessing its probably some sort of chemical thing.
Not much help but perhaps reassuring you’re not alone

22-10-10, 13:59
Hi Jabz and baileys

Well described both of you... this is exactly where I am and have been for about 10 months now since my last bout of anxiety died down. I'm not anxious in my head, or my thoughts, in fact I am happier right now than I've been for a VERY long time.

But my body / muscles / feeling of well being are all a total mess. I feel like movement is difficult, walking is difficult, I am always off balance, always unsteady, my muscles feel weak. Some days are so bad I feel like I am going to fall over at any moment, my muscles actually hurt. When I am walking I don't feel in control of my walking at all, like I am completely uncoordinated, like my feet are clattering onto the floor rather than me placing them down in a controlled way.

I never quite know what to do with my limbs, its like my brain doesnt really know where they are located in relation to my body... I always end up holding myself really tight as otherwise I feel like I'll collapse.

My doctor has been good enough to get me a neuro appt, but it will be months until i can get in i am told. I don't know if something is wrong in that dept or if, like you said baileys, I was so anxious and uptight for such a very long time that I have in some way permanently damaged my nerves or nervous system. Or if its not permanent and I just need to be super careful with myself and be really healthy and restful for a while.

I wonder how many people in the world are wandering through their lives feeling like this?!
