View Full Version : When will i feel any better??

16-10-10, 07:51
Morning all

I have just about had enough of this feeling... been awake since 4am again tossing and turning with the dreaded anxiety running through my body, its like it every morning i wake up until i go to bed, i just cant seem to shift the feeling, its horrid, continuos butterflies in my tummy and feeling sick and then when i think even more i just want to lie down and do nothing...

I wake up every morning crying lie a baby and my partner has to physically drag me out of bed, as i have two young children to look after too, he has been making me take him to work in the mornings to try and get me up etc.... i know he is trying to help me

i've been on citalopram 10mg now for 3 days, could it be these that are making it worse?? I feel like im going mad!!!

16-10-10, 08:12
Hi Jen

Firstly, there is a chance that the citalopram may cause your anxiety to heighten for a couple of weeks, a lot of people say the anxiety gets a little more intesnse, then that subsides and 4 - 6 weeks later the medication goes into full swing and (hopefully) you start to feel better.

The thing with anxiety is, we get to a point that there is nothing but anxiety. So our whole life is focused on our anxiety, and how we feel. in turn, we start to dread every day, almost wishing the day to be over (lots of people seem a little more chilled in the evening when the day is over).

But as the next day looms, it all happens again, in one word, fear.

In addition to meds, an understanding to what is actually happening when you are anxious can be highly beneficial towards controlling your anxiety. You don't actually cure anxiety, anxiety is not an illness, it's a human response to stress, but when our minds are in that "faulty thinking" stage, the anxiety becomes uncontrollable and overwhelming.

You could wait to see if the meds start to work (I would say be patient, but I know only too well that our patience are depleted by the time we chose meds).

You could talk to your GP about other treatments, like talking therapies, these have the most success rate, and whereas meds supress anxiety, therapy can actually help you to come to terms with your anxiety and the way you think, the attitude towards how you feel if you like.

You are probably thinking "what do you mean? how I think? this is real feelings" but anxiety starts with thoughts and reactions, and not the other way about.

Other stuff you could try is self help books like Claire Weekes (or others, but I found hers to be the best for me) and try to eat well, rest, exercise (like you need exercise with two young children ;)).

And finally, you are not going mad.

Good luck


16-10-10, 08:18
Thanks for your reply Jaco, the one thing that i am not doing is eating, all i had yesterday all day was a sandwich, i just cant stomach food at the moment, and yes i do feel more relaxed of an evening time....

I am a bit concerned as i am supposed to be goin back to work on Monday but i just dont think i can handle work just yet, especially working within a call centre.

Thanks for your advice, i really hope i get better soon x

16-10-10, 08:49
hiya Jen, i woke up this morning feeling dreadful too, with the anxiety and dizziness. It always seems to be the mornings the anxiety is at its worse.
I also get that feeling sick thing and tummy feels really off at times, its important to eat a little something and often, peppermint tea helps to soothe the tummy.
I wake up most mornings and feel so nervous like the fear you would get taking an exam or something and sometimes worse than this.
Im wondering if going back to work yet is too soon for you yet? I cant work at the moment while im feeling like this. Maybe you need some more time hun. Plus you have 2 small children who are close in age and i remember when my kids were babies and toddlers and close in age it was so tiring, you will get through it hun, like you once said on here before.. you've overcome it before and you can do it again just remember its okay to not be wonderwoman lol xxx

16-10-10, 08:55
Hey sugar

Yeah i know what u mean, the feeling like ive got to go and do a big presentation or something infront of thousands of people, i have that feelin all day long, im just hoping it will pass soon, as i am starting to fail miserably and getting low from it.... i got the docs on monday again, as i was supposed to be going back to work, but im gonna ask for another week off see how i feel next week......

I just cant seem to get motivated today, all i wanna do it sit down and relax, think thats the tablets tho trying to relax me..... i take them of an evening before bed time.... had a rough night last night woke up in the middle of the night with panic and then this morning at 4am...

I feel like im back in my worse nightmare, sorry to go on but i think it helps to let it all out.

Where abouts are you from Sugar? im from Solihull, West midlands

16-10-10, 09:23
hi hun, it is important to express yourself, talk as much as you like honey, it's good to say how you feel because it does no good to bottle it all up , we're all in the same boat on here sweetie and thats what we are all here for.. to help support one another and encourage each other and to just be there to listen.
Like the BT advert used to say... 'its good to talk' lol ,
If you feel all you wanna do is relax today then relax hun, dont give yourself any expectations today just have a chill out day and have a cosy day , ive decided im going to have a stay in our pyjamas day today and just take it easy,
Im from lancashire but we moved to Bath a few years ago... I have some family who live in the midlands xx

16-10-10, 09:55
Hunni I'm not on citalopram now I started cipralex lastnite but I was on cit last year and let me tell you for the first 3 to 4 weeks my anxiety went through the roof I was been sick couldn't sleep couldn't sit still shaking dizzy it was awful. But let me tell you when it kicked in it really kicked in and the anxiety and all the nasty side effects were gone I was my normal happy self again but me been me ran out and because I felt better didn't go back for more (big mistake) cos my anxiety is back big time. I've chosen not to go back on cit cos my doc said cipralex is better for anxiety but citalopram worked wonders for me. Hope you feel better soon just hang in there if you can because you will benefit from this med. X

16-10-10, 10:29

I started citalopram 4 days ago and yesterday i feel extra anxious but i know its just the tablets and it will settle down. Iv been on these tablets before and i know after a few weeks it will settle down.

Give the meds are chance to work and im sure they will make you feel better.

I no how you feel, i hate waking up to the dreaded anx, but come evening i do feel alot better.

mandie x

16-10-10, 10:36
Yeah mandie its horrible isnt it, today im in a mood where i cant be bothered to do anything and am really anxious, do you take your meds evening or morning?

Are you finding that you are waking up earlier than usual... 4am for me this morning


16-10-10, 11:31
Hi i am taking meds morning. i used to take them in evening but i found they kept me awake and i was only getting bout 4 hours sleep.

My sleep is never good at best of times but iv been no worse since iv been back on them.

I cant be bothered today either hun, i got no energy and have a really couldnt care less atttitude!


16-10-10, 11:36
Yeah im taking mine at 8pm every night.... i havent eaten since tuesday, whats ur appetite like? sorry for all the questions

16-10-10, 12:51

Thats ok lol. Iv gone off food since i been on them. I just dont feel hungry.

Iv not eaten yet today and i doubt i will eat till tonite.