View Full Version : Please put my mind at rest - menstrual problems

16-10-10, 09:38
I get better than I start worrying again... please help put my mind at rest.

My periods have been all over the place for the last couple of years since I had a miscarriage followed by a D and C.

They have been very heavy and more frequent. I have had lots of blood tests and scans as I worried about all the usual signs for cancers etc.

All came back clear. I last had a scan about 3 months ago when I saw a cyst which they classed as harmless.

For the last three weeks I have been spotting everyday - a small amount mainly and the blood is dark brown tinged with red. I haven't actually has a proper period since beginning of September so orginally I thought it was the start of my period - alas I just keep spotting!

In the last few months I have lost alot if weight (well alot for me anyway). I am F505 and now weighed myself this morning and I am 7.10 :ohmy: that is IMO way too small for my age (42).

Could this spotting and lost of a period be down to the weight lost (I am eating normal and healthy) Yes I am anxious and I having panic attacks - but I really understand them and have control (till this morning and now I am worrying again cos i ate loads yesterday and since lost a pound).

I dont want to go to the doctors again because she has been brilliant and given me every test going - she also stated that my periods could be down to stress.

i hate having to wear towels everyday! is this normal for a lady of my age - could it be the start of the change? I did have a baby 3.6 years ago.

Please someone tell me this is normal and I can start back on my road to recovery rather than spend every minute worrying that 'they have missed something'.


ps - I also suffer from frequent thrush and cystistis (life is fun as a woman)

16-10-10, 10:22
Hey Ambers, this definitely could be caused by being underweight (I'm an ex-anorexic and didn't have a period for years, although I didn't have the spotting, they just stopped). Perimenopause is a possibility too - there's a blood test for that.

I don't think you should get worked up about it but it is best to have a word with your doc again.

Oh and thrush? cystitis? I could probably write a book:mad:

paula lynne
16-10-10, 11:15
Hi Ambers, your weight issues and stress could both have a part to play here. Try eating little and often. x
You can get high calorific shakes at the chemist called build up. I think they come in strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate. They also contain added vitamins and minerals. This may be of help to you whilst your appetite isnt great. Hope you get better soon x:)

16-10-10, 18:04
hi ambers stress and anxiety can do awful things to your body i too have had loads of test last year for gyno reasons and i lost 6 pounds in a week due to stress my period symptoms were pelvic pain with mid cycle bleeding then spotting right through the month on another occasion. Then periods 35 days apart followed by 18 days apart and actually started bleeding when stressed all the test came back fine then it calmed down for 6 months then started again so im going to see my gyno again ive also had the mirena coil 4 months which was so painful with constant cramps i pulled it out myself x

16-10-10, 19:38
Thank you all for your replies - sorry I didn't get back on sooner (been worrying all day) - I really hope it is just the worry that causing this - it is like a vicious circle isn't it :mad:

Thanks also for diet tips - I have really increased my calories, I hate it when I sit back and can feel my spine against the chair/pillow etc...it's driving me insane and I cannot get comfy at all!

Rachel W
17-10-10, 01:51
I know that when I was in college when I was 21 I had the same symptoms, basically light, but ongoing spotting that lasted about 2.5 months. It was caused by stress. It calmed down after I left that particular stressful situation (although I have OCD and now HA so live quite an anxious life).

17-10-10, 02:27
My periods were wacky for a year when I was 44 and then at 45 was the last one. Menopause.