View Full Version : Hormones/PMS

16-10-10, 11:58
Does anyone know much about how hormones affect anxiety and how it can be diagnosed or treated?

16-10-10, 12:26
My panic attacks were shown to be triggered by a hormone imbalance. Suffered terribly for 2 weeks out of every month and could tell you exactly when my period was going to start by the severity of the attack.

I was given HRT but unfortunately it made me sick so I just dealt with it. Knowing what was causing them helped in a way. Learnt to live with it and then I started going through the menopause and it all kicked off again!

Go speak to your doctor they may be able to give you something. I do take vit B6 which I think helps.

Carol x

16-10-10, 12:44
thank you x

paula lynne
16-10-10, 13:49
Hi Bee my panic and anxiety is much worse at ovulation...and continues til I get my period. Im on the progesterone only pill, as oestrogen dominance has been show to play a significant role in increasing severity of anxiety and panics. 5 monthes on..my symptoms at ovulation are definately less severe, and last month I was so shocked when my period came, as the pain was minimal, and Id been to tesco the day before, (I usually get so bad a week before, I cant go out at all). I hope you feel better soon x:)