View Full Version : Not Now!!!!!!!

16-10-10, 15:52
I havent been on here for a while because i've felt ok but I fear i'm in for a bad time..... My 46yr sister was diagnoised with terminal cancer two months ago and inbetween work and my sister I havent had much time to spend worrying about my own anxiety.. Everyone has said I am a rock for my sister and my silly anxiety is nothing compared to my sisters agony but I feel the anxiety is creeping back and I affraid it will render me usless when my sister needs all the help and support she deserves.... This afternnon my legs are aching and my left arm and i could feel the panic rising its ugly head and saying (heart attack)......I'm so angry how can this be right when my sister is so ill and fighting for every moment and Im in bed panicking about my aching legs....... I hate this

paula lynne
16-10-10, 16:28
Hi hun...how awful about your sister, Im so so sorry x
Little wonder you feel like you do.x
Do you have anyone to talk to, Macmillan provides support for families dealing with terminal cancer, I think they have a phone number just for friends and family?
I wish you all the best as you go through this immensly difficult time x:hugs:

16-10-10, 16:44

You poor thing, I can understand fully why your anxiety is causing problems. I am doing my best to care for me elderly in laws, not the same as your sibling but I am fully aware of what`s to come. They need to go into a home as they are in danger but they are having none of it.

There used to be a charity called Bacup - they offer loads of support for families in your situation. I hope you have a really understanding GP too - you need support just now.
I have explained my situation to my GP and my mother in laws minister who is a fantastic support to me I can tell you.

In the meantime PLEASE share anything with us- you are not alone sweetie, we are here for you anytimexxxx

16-10-10, 17:52
dont be hard on your self i was exactly the same when my mum was terminal it made me really ill and my health anxiety soared to heights id never imagined i felt so guilty that i couldnt control my health anxiety but i still did what i phyically and mentally could to look after mum and let her know i was there and loved her and that is all you can do im so sorry for you and your family and my thoughts are with you x

margaret jones
16-10-10, 19:16
Kathryn you poor thing having your sister ill is stressfull and I am sure that you are a great support for her but remember you need some support also .By getting this it will enable you to help your sister hope you soon feel stronger and you are able to support your sister x

16-10-10, 20:18
I am so sorry about your sister. It must be heartbreaking for you.
I am not surprised your anxiety is worse, but I think anyone would feel the same in the same situation, whether they had anxiety before or not.
I do know myself, that when my parents were very ill, my anxiety was really bad. All the worrying and general stress, not to mention what it does to you mentally, seeing someone you love suffering.
As the others have already mentioned, there are some good support groups out there, who you can talk to, if you feel like it.


Sorry that I could not be more helpful.
Sending you lots of hugs.