View Full Version : Don't fear an endoscopy!

16-10-10, 16:03
Just had an endoscopy and I can honestly say it's absolutely nothing to worry about.

You feel no pain, it takes only a couple of minutes and my only symptom was a bloated stomach for around 24 hrs after it.

I worried myself sick over this for weeks, now I feel stupid for worrying!

Piece of cake!!

16-10-10, 17:10
Well done for achieving thisx

17-10-10, 17:37
I would agree with the above, I was terrified before mine, but I was sedated and it was fine, I remeber nothing about it. Not so sure I'll feel the same about the colonoscopy I might have to have shortly !!

sarah jayne
17-10-10, 18:00
i was fine and i had mine without sedation although if i was to have it again i would recommend being sedated as i didnt like the choking sensation. I didnt have a bloated stomach like someone mentioned above a just had a sore throat for a few days.

08-02-11, 10:29
I had an endoscopy as well, thought they gave results straight afterwards?

08-02-11, 10:36

Absolutely nothing to worry about.

I've had 4 in all and I am due to have my 5th soon, always negative of course.

What a shame they don't give out Air Miles!!


08-02-11, 10:37
I'm going to be refered soon I'm sure.

Were you sedated?

08-02-11, 10:48
Always sedated.

08-02-11, 10:51
How did they sedate you, what with? When I had mine they offered sedation or diazepam. I took the diazepam and, although I knew what was going on, it was ok.

08-02-11, 16:50
I'm just not sure I'd cope with it even if sedated:((

08-02-11, 17:43
You'd cope with it Larna...it really is not that bad - it just seems like it would be but honestly, most people are shocked at how simple and non scary it is.

Skippy well done. How are you. Any palps lately? Hae you the results of the endoscopy?

08-02-11, 19:35
Dont the results go to your GP and you get a copy letter?

08-02-11, 21:46
My sedation was injected into my hand and I was out like a light.

Afterwards they give you a report of how the procedure went and and a copy is obviously sent to your GP.

08-02-11, 22:30
Ive had a bronchoscopy which was awful...I was sedated supposedly, but i was aware of everything. Not something I wish to repeat.
Ive also had a sigmoidoscopy without sedation which was ok, and im having a colonoscopy next week with sedation.
I'd have an endoscope up the rear anyday over one down the throat !!