View Full Version : Anyone get anything that looks like this on their skin? Anxious

16-10-10, 18:55

Do they look like cold sores, if so why are they on my arm? Or could they be a sign of something else.

16-10-10, 19:04
Is that from your injection?

16-10-10, 19:05
The injection was in my hip - that jump appeared from nowhere. i had chicken pox when I was younger (just checked with my mum so it shouldnt be that)

16-10-10, 19:07
have you tried moisturising? It looks a little dry, might take it down a bit.

16-10-10, 19:14
Just tried putting some stuff on it to see if it helps. My mind is going in cirlces though, going round about what it could be.

16-10-10, 19:34
Hi, I was at the docs a few weeks ago after feeling fairly rotten for a few days an my gp asked me if I had any skin rashes and what she described looks a little like what you have, she suggested it might be shingles?! If it's still there on monday pop to your gp an let them have a look!


16-10-10, 20:03
I thought you got the shingles rash on your trunk ..it goes round in a circle around you .That or your head ? Never heard of it on your arm :ohmy:.
I t can be caused by Stress so may be a possibility dont really know .Maybe someone can shed more light on it Piers ..Wouldnt worry too much if I were you tho .:hugs: sue x

16-10-10, 20:19
It looks like a small dry patch of mildly eczematous skin to me, Piers.

I have had this kind of thing numerous times, on my face and between my fingers.

Two things are good. A bland emollient cream like aqueous cream or E45, and also a tiny bit of hydrocortisone cream, the low strength one which you can buy over the counter.

Use the hydrocortisone very sparingly though and for a short time just to clear it up as it is a steroid cream.x

16-10-10, 20:21
Suzy-sue shingles can be anywhere! My partner had it when he was younger on his leg!!

16-10-10, 20:30
I used to have loads of eczema when I was younger, the picture actually makes i look dry - it doesnt really look dry but doesnt feel wet lol

16-10-10, 20:31
I had shingles when I was younger on my belly. My auntie had it on her back. You can get it anywhere but I don't think it looked like that but I was young and can't really remember I know it normally goes round in a circle. See your gp he will know for sure whether its shingles etc. Good luck hun I'm sure its nothing serious x

16-10-10, 20:34
Sorry yours does look to go in a circle maybe go to your gp claira is right could be shingles x

16-10-10, 20:37
After looking at picture of shingles (http://www.google.com/images?q=shingles&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1920&bih=1085) it doesnt look like any of those from what I can see.

16-10-10, 21:06
Thanks clairalou ..My dad has had it on his trunk and a friend had it in her head .....Piers I get eczema and it can look a bit like little blisters at first ,then it goes dry and red .I use Hydrocortisone cream .It can be caused by stress /anxiety and also when you get it you usually have it for life .Sometimes just the occassional flare up . So its a good possibility thats what it could be .try the cream Debs mentioned for a week If
it doesnt help go see your Dr .sue

16-10-10, 21:55
Thinking about it my girlfriend put her cigarette close to my arm (somewhere around there i think) a couple of days ago. I dont think it burnt but it did hurt a lot at the time, maybe its just a mark from that and the other marks are unrelated/dry skin?

Does that look like a mild burn mark to anyone else?