View Full Version : Home alone tonight :/

16-10-10, 18:55
Hey guys,
I haven't been on here for ages because I felt like I was getting better. I hadn't had a panic in about a month until yesterday on the way to college. I don't know what triggered it but I suddenly felt the over-whelming need to get off the bus. After getting back home I felt fine until tonight. I'm home alone for the first time in ages and I can't stop crying.
I've got things to do to distract myself like surf the net, watch tv and wrap christmas present (I'm super organised lol), but I just can't stop myself from getting upset. I'd love to be able to just fall asleep and therefore stop the panics but I struggle to sleep normally.
I guess I just needed to get this off my chest. Ohhh sometimes I wish I wasn't so sensitive :weep:

16-10-10, 19:07

It's really positive that you've recognised the signs of anxiety coming back and returned to the forum for some support. All those things to distract you will help too but I feel for you - this doesn't mean you aren't getting better though because you've had a big gap between attacks. That is progress :)

16-10-10, 19:11
Thank you for your support. I think my biggest fear is going backwards in my progress. I definately need to keep doing this home alone thing though as that's my biggest obstacle at the moment.

16-10-10, 23:49

I think you should be very proud of yourself. You've accomplished an awful lot in this last month.

You sound very determined to get well, so although you see this latest panic attack as a backwards step, why not see it like an escalator - you've not yet reached the top, but just got stuck for a short while?

The steps will begin moving again, so you can begin your journey, once more.

And if you can learn to enjoy your own company, then you're a better person than me. Nobody in their right mind would want to spend time with me! :wacko: :winks:

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

17-10-10, 00:02
Welcome back. Wish it wasn't because of anxiety, but glad you looked to come for comfort here.
I like the escalator viewpoint.
What are you studying in college?

17-10-10, 00:25
Inspires- That is a really good way of looking at it.
Daybyday- I'm studying Public Services.

I'm still awake and super tired but I'm not panicking or getting hung up about not sleeping seeing as tomorrow is Sunday and I don't have to get up early. If I get to sleep at 4am it won't matter, I still coped at home alone :)

Thanks everyone for your advice and support :hugs: