View Full Version : shooting sporadic pains in chest

16-10-10, 19:16
for the last 4 days now i have had constant stabbing pains just to the left of my chest. they last a few seconds to minutes then disappear but come back every few hours

have used kalms etc and BP is not high and pulse is 80 so not sure what it is. Its very painful but not to the extent where i would pass out in pain

does anyone else experience this or know what it could be

16-10-10, 19:18
Acid reflux maybe? Hope you feel better soon x

margaret jones
16-10-10, 19:18
Hi could be muscular have you done anything strenous in the last few days ?? Lifting ??

16-10-10, 20:04
havent done anything at all - just chilling by the pool, it does spread all over my body at times too

28-10-10, 12:53
its back again - shooting in left breast every 20 minutes or so. Also have a severe migraine and am scared to death im having a heart attack - please help

28-10-10, 13:13
If you would like to call NHS Direct (0845 4647) and they can reassure you. I have pains in my chest and the GP said its down to muscle tension, even when I dont realise it I am apparently tensed up.

30-10-10, 23:52
I agree with piers. I have shooting pains in my chest. Like muscle spasms. Sometimes around the ribs are sore after the event. It used to freak me out too. I would try to hold the area where they happen. I found that if I rubbed the area when the spasms happened they would go away. This is a good indicator that it is muscular.
