View Full Version : pvc and sleep !!!!!!

16-10-10, 20:02
Hi all im just posting to see if anyone can help me at all , i have been having missing heart beats for about 5/6 weeks now and they are worse than when i use to have them 4 years ago i went back to doctor who did a ecg all ok but i had no missing beats at the time so she put me on 40mg citalopram and 4x10mg propranolol a day which has been working i actually feel normal again !! though still getting some missed beats still but last night i had them from 5pm through to this morning i woke up covered in sweat but i actually found myself just tierd rather than panicky , i have asked the doctor if i could have a 24 hour holter but as i had one 4years ago she say's no and refuse's to do it for me and say's its anxiety and now i have read pvc's while sleeping can cause SDC which i hope means only if you have not a normal heart !!! my question is do you think i should demand more test's and should i be worried ??? i am due my period in five days so not sure if this could be why they have gone bad again help !!!!!:yahoo:

16-10-10, 20:03
sorry meant to be SCD

17-10-10, 11:40
i had missed heartbeats constantly for a year... sometimes i was getting about4 or 5 an hour.... they stopped me sleeping and everything. I was terrified. I read that a lack of potassium could cause them so I started eating bananas frequently. About 4 days after starting eating them on a regular basis, my ectopics disappeared and didnt come back. That was about 2 months ago. Might be worth a try x