View Full Version : Hello! Intro:

17-10-10, 04:35
My name's Jay, I'm in my mid thirties. I've suffered from anxiety and depression since my teens but can trace my problems back further to when I was seven years old and went through a phase of selective mutism that lasted a few months. Day after day at school I was unable to say a single word to anyone - children can be cruel but its the teachers unsympathetic reaction that I remember most. Though I did eventually get over the worst of it, I've remained extremely introverted and socially inadequate ever since. About four years ago I was diagnosed as suffering from a social phobia, an anxious personality disorder, and dissocial personality traits - most of which, I was told, are untreatable. Most of my adult life I've spent on some sort of anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication and there aren't many types of therapy I haven't tried. I'm fighting a losing battle, really just trying to stay alive and relatively sane, and I think some type of contact with other people through this site would be very helpful.

17-10-10, 04:36
Hi jlo34

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-10-10, 07:44
Hi Jay,

Welcome to NMP!! Its a great site where we all suffer and understand each other. Hope you find lots of information here and meet lots of friends along the way.


Vanilla Sky
17-10-10, 20:38
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

paula lynne
17-10-10, 20:40
Hi Jay and welcome to you x:welcome:

17-10-10, 21:32
Hi Jay welcome to the forum:).

18-10-10, 02:56
Hi Jay and :welcome:

Most people could probably trace their anxiety back to an incident or incidents that happened to them as a child or in their teens I certainly can.Maybe not as bad as your mutism but one such incident that effected me was the time I answered a question asked by the teacher which I got ridiculously wrong and the whole class laughed at me,I felt totally humiliated and from then on hardly if ever put my hand up again to answer any questions for the fear of being wrong something that still effects me to this day.

You may feel like your'e fighting a losing battle but I would encourage you to keep fighting it ain't easy and there will be setbacks but if you push yourself,get the right help plus use the advice and encourgment from NMP you will make progress.


18-10-10, 03:02
Welcome Jay.
I distinctly remember some humiliating school days from teachers and classmates.
I do understand how that felt.