View Full Version : thigh pain dvt worries

17-10-10, 06:38
i have no pain in my calf,just this pain right down the middle and outer side of the back of my thigh,my leg is not swollen or red,it is a bit sore to touch and it doesnt really hurt much when i walk,(feels like pulled muscle! but not too bad)but i cant get dvt out of my mind,i had a pain in my calf last week by a vaicose vein and that doesnt bother me as i ge tthat on and off,its sore now when im sitting on the chair ,i had a stabbing pain in my lower back on samw side couple of days ago,my nurse friend says it sounded like sciatica to her ,but im slowly freaking out on the dvt worry,i dont smoke ,drink or have had any surgery ,and am moving about most the day chasing after my 3 children but i cant shift this damn dvt worry

20-10-10, 13:09
You need to get checked by a doctor Cornishmaid, but you may have just pulled a muscle in your leg, or perhaps you are developing a new varicose vein, or it really is sciatica. I'm sure it will be something trivial, and you shouldn't worry because we all get these aches and pains and it's so so rare for it to be dvt, but best to put your mind at ease with a quick talk with the doc, hey?


21-10-10, 11:48
:)Hi i also have similar at the moment but also in calfs (can be just 1 or both) im thinking sciatica, just unsure how to relieve it, hope your feels better soon.