View Full Version : MND ????

17-10-10, 08:11
please help another health worry!!!!
For the past two mornings , my leg has sort of gone into a spasm when walking down the stairs, it feels like its going to give way.
Now worrying about mnd..

17-10-10, 08:22
Hi pb

First, MND is rare, very rare, there is a dozen (non serious) reasons why your leg is doing this, and it's only been 2 days. I would wager its probably more like a trapped nerve or a slight muscle strain.

The start of MND symptoms are usually muscle waisting, slurred speech or even a dragging foot. No I am no MND expert, but on your behalf I googled so you don't have to :)

Sometimes after a gym session, for a couple of days I get a wobbly leg when decending stairs, so maybe you have just overdone some activity?

But as always, if it is really really worrying you, pop to your GP for reassurance.



17-10-10, 14:31
I too worry about this occasionally, only because I get quite sore, crampy legs, sometimes my legs just feel weak but they never give way, I get aches all over my body tbh.
The thing that's worrying me the most is the constant twitching in my calf muscles and sometimes in other places in the body, my calves feel like I've got a bag of worms in them and then sometimes my feet twitch or feel like they're vibrating, it's weird.
I've yet to have anybody tell me this can be down to anxiety and they suffer the same as constant as I do.

17-10-10, 17:21
Hi MidnightCalm, a herbalist I used to see told me that twitching muscles can very often be down to magnesium deficiency. I took some mag/calcium tablets, and felt so much better x

17-10-10, 17:57
I'll look into magnesium, thanks :)

17-10-10, 20:27
please help another health worry!!!!
For the past two mornings , my leg has sort of gone into a spasm when walking down the stairs, it feels like its going to give way.
Now worrying about mnd..

Hi PB,

I know how you feel, I too am worrying about MND it's horrible isn't it!

I can say you haven't got MND though otherwise your legs would actually give way and you would fall over.


17-10-10, 20:41
My leg gives away sometimes ..Its not because of MND either .There are loads of reasons for this .Dont look for the worst ,it just adds to your problem s .Sue x