View Full Version : Very Sensitive Post

17-10-10, 09:17
hey all, i hope no one will judge me on this but 11 days ago i had a medical abortion. i was 6wks gone and after lots of tears and talking with my partner we decided that this was the best thing to do. i have 2 children aged 15 and 9 and right now it was not the time to have anymore children. i am in a new relationship as we have only been together for a year, and we only moved in together 3 months ago. we are not financally stable, my health problems are still ongoing, so our decision was made.
i was not prepared for the amount of pain i was to go through after taking the tablets but i did, and would not wish it on anyone.
but 11 days down the line i am now experiencing terrible burning sensation on my face and ears and scalp, temp is fine, but i feel like im on fire. went to my GP and they said it was normal to get flushing after a termination but i was thinking that hot flushing was to last for minutes, whereas im getting this all day.
at first i thought it may be wind burn as my job keeps me outside for some of the day, but today it is bad, and i feel sick and bloated.
i have to do a pregnancy test in 2 weeks cos the hormone can still be in my body, but im still worried that the tablets i took may not of worked, even tho a part of me says yes they did.
do any of you think that this could all be anxiety related?
its been a horrible 4 weeks and im also nervous about having the coil fitted when i go back for my check up.
im at a loss at the moment and very down as i don't know what to make of this.:weep:

17-10-10, 09:40
Don't worry about having the coil fitted when I had it in quite a few years ago I always felt it was like someone flicking an elastic band inside me.

17-10-10, 10:03
Sounds like anxiety to me hunni x

17-10-10, 10:17
sweetie - don't worry about anyone judging you, abortion is not something anyone chooses to do on a whim. you're reasons are no-one else's business and having a child is a big big committment on all levels.

are you getting any professional support ? I am sure they offer some kind of counselling ?

It's very early days sweetie - it will take time to feel better both physically and emotionally.

Feeling down about what you have been through is completely understandable so please don't beat urself up.

If your not getting any counselling ask your GP for some - take all the support you can get right now.

Thinking of you hun and big big hugsx

18-10-10, 14:48
hey, thanks for the kind words. im not getting much help and my partner is trying to do the best he can. im just getting on with it really, gone back to work and trying to move forward.
i worry that this may of harmed our relationship, only time will tell i suppose, but my anxiety has gone into overdrive since all this happend, and i can't seem to shake it off.
the feeling of not feeling worthy of anyone is awful, that i don't deserve happiness and that my BF can do better then me i just can't deal with it at the moment.
as i have moved away from all my friends and family to be with him i feel so alone at the moment.
i don't know, i just dont feel right at the moment. xx

18-10-10, 14:57
I moved away from everyone to be with my current partner. I therefore left behind home, job, environment, everything - and it's a really difficult thing to do. Luckily we only moved about 60 miles away so I can still go back there to see friends, but it's very hard to give up everything for one person.

18-10-10, 15:19
aww bless you - you have been through so much.

i would think that the flushing is a mixture of hormones plus anxiety too - one minute you are pregnant and the next not so i can imagine this literally puts your mind and body into some kind of shock and could take a long time to settle down. i cannot imagine that anyone who has had to make this very difficult decision would feel any different than you do and so i think you are being too impatient with yourself - that it would be unusual if you did NOT feel the way you do.

when i worked in a cold shop all day - from when i left until hours later in the evening i would feel like my face was on fire and so i really think it is a mixture of everything and nothing to worry about.

i really think you need to take all the time you need to process what has happened in your mind - i can understand you want to move on and forget about it but we need to give ourselves time to come to terms with situations that are shocking and upsetting - even though it is something you chose to do - you still have to go through a grieving process x

18-10-10, 15:26
I think it definitely could be anxiety and hormonal. Could you talk to your GP again to get reassurance your symptoms are normal?

Try and take a little time to pamper yourself this week if you can. You've had a big shock physically and there will definitely be some emotional effects too, but you made the choice you felt was right for you and that is what matters.

18-10-10, 15:28
oh hun you have done so much and been through so much in a very short space of time and with little support.

i bet ur BF is struggling in his own way too but men don't talk about it.

Can you take a little time of work, or both of you take a couple of days sounds like you both need a lot of tlc.

I guess your getting used to a new GP to and that can be hard, does your GP now how your feeling ?
I am sure time will make things a little easier but please tell your GP how your feeling before alll this stress really starts to effect your health and relationship.

In the meantime - we're here for youxxx

19-10-10, 11:17
thank you all for being here, i had a long talk with my partner last night, and i told him all my worries, and how im feeling, he to told me how hard it is for him, but his main concern is me. but it made me feel a little bit better, i realise i have a very loving partner who will be there for me no matter what, and it helped ease my anxiety a little bit.
just getting back to myself is all i want now, my kids know there is something not quite right so for their sake aswell i need to shake myself off and try and take control of everything.
i know it will take time, but i know if there is any bumps i got the support on here.
thanks again girls, this site is a real help. xxx

19-10-10, 12:07
your welcome anytime, sounds like you made real progress last night. your bf sounds lovely and my heart goes out to all of you. you are having such a tough time.

Take a day at a time and here for you anytimex:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighu g1: