View Full Version : fighting through

17-10-10, 11:05
Hi and morning everyone

How are we all feeling this morning? Well i woke up with the dreaded feeling of anxiety again today had a bit of a cry then thought i got to fight this....

I've been feeling anxious all morning, and i prob will all day long, but i cant let me beat this, i am on day 4 of taking citalopram and i know that the anxiousnous all day long is prob one of the side affects..

I am going out today with my two children and partner, just going to look around the shops, and take the kids to a fair or somewhere, i need to start doing things like this and not dwelling, on what i am suffering with at the moment.

I hope you all have a good day, remember if you feel the anxiety just get up and do things, i know its hard, but remember you can beat it!!!

Jen xxx

17-10-10, 11:11
I'm on day 2 of cipralex and feel the same I have tried to keep busy to take my mind off the anxiety but it doesn't seem to be working. Like you me and my partner are taking our little girl out for the day so hoping this helps x let me know how you feel later x

17-10-10, 11:41
Hi Jen, Sammi

Great to hear some positivity. I'm just into 5 weeks on citalopram and still struggling but my husband and I are wandering out today with our 11 month old son...not too far, just some lunch and to feed the ducks :)

Hope you all have a good day, glad to know I'm not the only one out there fighting this off all day long!

Take care x