View Full Version : Freaky little lump on leg

17-10-10, 12:00
On side of leg on hard part about 3 inches above ankle I noticed a very prominent lump under the skin - does't itch or have any mark on skin.
When it is on the hard bit of leg above ankle ( is it tendon or bone??) it is very prominent about size of a small pea but I can push it with my finger and it moves!!!!!!!!!! unde the skin and goes either left or right and as it goes off the hard bit to soft bit it dissapears or at least goes right down assume because it can go into soft bit of leg but if I move it with my finger back ofer hard bit its back again and noticeable.

its like a little mivng mouse:shrug:

What on earth could it be and should I see a Dr - I have had it for about a week - at first I kept thinking it was coming and going but have just realised that it depends where it is on leg as to whether I can feel it or not.

17-10-10, 12:17
Hmm not so sure on that one hunny, maybe a cyst or a bit of overgrown bone, theres a girl on here who has something like this and her doctor has referred her for an MRI scan. Maybe u should go see ur doctor babe, just get it looked at, probably nothing though, overgrown bits of bone are common. Take care x

17-10-10, 19:38
Def not a bit of bone as I can move it around inches its free floating under my skin and def not attached to anything - I think its may be same as women can get in their breasts called a mouse and I think its a sort of harmless cyst that moves around when you push it.

I will go and show it to the Dr and let you all know what he says it is.