View Full Version : Question, how long does this go on for?

17-10-10, 12:20
Ok here i go, why does my heart race every morning on getting up, i know its ment to race a bit becuse it needs to push the blood round the body, but from what im going to say does this sound right does anyone else get this.
Getting up walking to the bathroom heart is racing 139 beats a min, it stays like that untill i sit back down, is this normal, Heart rate is now 88 Beats thats on sitting down, so why would my heart go that fast first thing when getting up, can anyone understand this, Second Question, ive been to the Doctors so many times over my left Lung Wheezing this has been going on for months now on and off, had Chest Xrays and told there is nothing wrong, but i know how i feel, yes i smoke and i know that i should give up, had COPD test done that was 95% so all good on that also had peak test done i blow upto 650% again perfect,
Now my main concern is do i have Cancer, why do i ask this because ive lost weight from 11 stone done to 9 and a half stone, now that happend just over 1 year ok this could be Anxiety that has caused this, but ive lost alot of body fat but still stayed the same weight of 9 and a half stone.
i look ill well thats what i get told from friends, ive gone very Gaunt in the face and noticed ive lost my bum lol, kepp telling the doctor an he has said why am i worrying, Bloody hell is that all he can say? well i hope somone can get back to me on this and understand what im saying i have pictures if anyone needs to look at them to see what im saying here is a link to youtube of a video of me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9xsScFRx_E

17-10-10, 14:11
Hi Ian,
So many people with anxiety suffer weight loss. I have lost about a stone in 2 months. When I went through a bad patch of anxiety when I was 19 I went down to 6.5 stone!!!! That was definitely due to anxiety and emotional stress.

My advice to you would be:
1. Cut out any checking or other obsessive behaviours - this includes weighing yourself and taking your bp and pulse.
2. Start taking your medication as this will address the chemical imbalances that lead to anxiety.
3. Concentrate on you CBT and use the thought diaries. If the CBT isn't working for you contact your doctor for advice on which therapy might suit you better or have a look on the Anxiety UK website for details of private therapists and discounted rates :)
4. Get plenty of sleep if you can and eat healthily - plenty of veg and fruit. Also eat plenty of oily fish as the omega 3 is good for easing anxiety and depression.
5. Start taking vitamin b complex to boost your immune system and ease symptoms of anxiety
6. Start regular exercise - it doesn't have to be anything too strenuous. Pilates, yoga, meditation, jogging in the park, swimming, stretches etc are all good for anxiety and depression

M xxx