View Full Version : Can someone help chew this over - problem with GP

17-10-10, 12:37
Hi Ive just joined no panic in the hope I can get some support.

Im agoraphobic (have not left the house now for 6 months) have panic attacks and suffer with depression. Have had these symptoms now since i was 18 but are up and down I was working full time up until 4 years ago - last 4 years have been extremely bad though.

My main problem now is in the last 8 months I have had many episodes where I feel very weak, feel like im about to pass out, bit dizzy, have pain and stiffness in legs and arms and aching in arm pits. Stiffness is worse in morning and after sitting etc and then again at night. I wake up feeling like i have not been to sleep - I just want to sleep in the day as it gets to the point where i feel so sick unless i sleep - I am severely tired most of the day - Up until this started i had improved so much with going out and being able to travel in car, take son to school etc and was starting to get back on track. I called Doctor at time who informed me that they could see I was anemic from my last blood tests at the end of last year and gave me iron tablets. (why i did not get them at the time i do not know)

This problem keeps flaring up and Ive got panicky about going out as im so tired and in pain i worry something will happen.
I have on Friday called Doctor (they have a new procedure you ring they assess you on phone then prescribe etc or ask you to come in) - started to tell Dr my problem she cut me dead and said she could not help over phone not what they were there for and i was to come in - I explained that I could not - well you are young and healthy no reason you cant come - get someone to bring you! and that was that.

I have had problems with this particular Doctor before- everyone keeps saying if you are not well they may come and visit but she refused stating that the practice will only visit the dying or elderly (not that i dont think for one minute they dont deserve a home visit)

I have also been asked on Friday when I tried to find someone who could help was it a genuine illness or an anxiety ???????

All i can say is i have suffered with panic attacks etc for many years but if this is how it now presents itself im not sure what to do

What does anyone else think - does anyone else suffer with agoraphobia and have assistance from GP?

Thoughts, support and help would be much appreciated

17-10-10, 13:45
I have to say I think home visits are a thing of the past - I have tried to get them in the past but not a chance.

I now make appointments early in the morning - that way I don't have to wait in a busy waiting room very long. I used to get someone to take me but now with the help of meds I go by meself.

Do you know any other doctors in the practice ? can you swap to another practice. Doctors treatment of anxiety/agrophobia/depression varies grately.

You need some help hun - living as you do is no fun at all!!!!!

There is a lot of help and advise on here so have a good look through I think it will inspire you.

The horrid part of these illness's is that only you can make yourself better - it's a long hard slog, I am fighting hard but its not always easy.

Hope this helps and let us know how you get onx

17-10-10, 14:11
Hi peanut,
Like you i have suffered with depression and anxiety for a long time and i have ended up with all the symptoms that you have.
Im like an old woman trying to get out of bed in the morning because im so stiff, i never feel like ive had a good nights sleep. My muscles are so painful, even at night, and i get exhausted for no reason and i need to lay down.
Im also unsure whether its all due to anxiety.
My doc has come up with different diagnoses, fibromyalgia etc but i dont want to be just labelled with an illness when theres no real test for them. He now wants to check for vitamin d deficiency.
I do sometimes feel though that my body is just tired of being anxious for so long and maybe this is its way of telling me because when ive got my positive head on, i do feel so much better.

17-10-10, 15:08
Thanks for your support - I know it sounds like i am being a hypochondriac but sometimes i wish they would label me with something else :D

I will give an example 2 years ago went to Drs - hubby in tow - was having ladies problems - Dr listened - and calmly said - will refer you to mental health team - hubby said ok but what about my wife's excessive monthlys - well we will see what mental health say :D

I joke that if i had a boil on my b****m it would be because of anxiety - it could not just be a boil on my behind - the anxiety label sticks for everything and whilst I know can bring about many ailments Im sure I can have a couple in my lifetime that were not just anxiety

I do have a wicked sense of humour and often they only way I get through is to have a joke - at my own expense :roflmao:

I am wondering whether all that anxiety running all the time it must deplete certain things in your body and use up valuable resources until the body starts to give up - am i barking up the wrong tree or just so tired ive started dreaming up new things ?????:unsure:

tracey c
17-10-10, 15:20
Peanut - I really feel for you. If I were you I would try to see another doctor. I am having problems with my monthlies and the docs are helping - had blood tests, having scan on stomach/pelvis tomorrow. It could be perimenopausal (sorry don't know how old you are). My doctor has never said that the problems with my periods are anxiety related, apart from I get worse just before a period! If you aren't happy go back and ask that this is looked into.
Take care x :hugs:

17-10-10, 15:24
Peanunt - please don't thinnk I am saying you are hypochondria, I have had some very very dark times believe me and I wouldn't wish anxiety and depression on anyone adn I understand completely.

I think you are right that your body get worn out from anxiety hence the other ailments.

Are you able to eat properly and exercise a little? I am dreadful and would rather sit and eat chocolate, crisps, cheese and drink wine but I am trying to improve my diet and given up wine.

Have you tried any alternative therapy ?

At least your able to hang onto your sense of humour xx

17-10-10, 17:45
Hi - no I didnt for one minute think anyone thought i was a hypochondriac - I said that about myself :winks:

Oh I hate the written word sometimes it sounds like something else tee heeve

Alternative therapy - have once tried hypnotherapy and want to start again - I have to say he made the most sense ever out of all doctors etc- other things no - hubby did once download a book from america about panic - about outwardly shouting at your panic to bring it on etc - did try but gave up on that one although could see the logic.

Eating / diet / exercise - im not the greatest eater do try with the veg etc - no fried food etc - but biscuits are my downfall - i dont drink but am a smoker (yes I know naughty me :roflmao:) exercise - not going out and just pottering in the garden is not really enough i know - i promised myself daily i would do half an hour per day of WII fit - that lasted a day but felt so tired the next day etc - yes you guessed it have not done it since

So all in all i dont help myself - there was a time when I felt reasonably well with my anxiety - panic attacks etc but now I feel genuinely ill - Im not sure if that sounds right or how else to explain that one

17-10-10, 18:17
Hi Peanut

I had the same problem as you..............very heavy periods and major panic attacks. Was told to keep a diary which I did and then the doc took bloods at different times of the month and found that I had a hormone imbalance. I had had hellish perids since the age of 12 and was given a D&C at the age of 14!!
I had learned to control them or should I say get by living with them until I started going throught the menopause and they all kicked back off so I am back to battling with them again.
I am really lucky that my doctor comes out to see me if I need him. If it something that isn't that serious I go down to the surgery and he comes out to the car and sees me there. Maybe you could ask the practice if the doctor could see you in your car............or ask to speak to a different doctor and explain that you can't go in.

Good luck

Carol x

17-10-10, 18:26
Peanut - no offence taken and your right - things get misinterpreted on email and txt.

I once went to a homeopath who went through my diet etc and it all made real sense but could i stick with it ???? Not on your life !!!!! I am sure if I had stuck to it then i possibly wouldn't still be suffering but i am so rubbish at looking after myself.

Caz has some really sensible advise too - it might be worth getting checked out.

And its not only Caz who has seen a Doctor in the car either - been there too lol!

Not sure i'm helping here but hopefully making you smilex

17-10-10, 18:31
Just make sure you empty out your ashtray first :blush: My doc climbed in to my car and I suddenly noticed the fag ends jammed in the ashtray........not a good look for your doc to see!!!!

Carol xx

17-10-10, 21:18
Thanks you lot - the ashtray thing made me chuckle :D

You have all been a great help - you dont know how much it means just talking with people who are going there - been there - or are there - if you know what i mean! and as ive said this weekend i must be a medical miracle as the Doctors claim they have no one else like me that cannot make the surgery .....................

Last year I wrote everything out for the Doctor - so we didnt take up my 10 minutes - oooo she looked excited and said oh i know what it is there are one or two things i think you have - took bloods - then went off the boil :roflmao:- obviously her thoughts did not match my blood :roflmao:i managed to persuade her to let me see the gynacologist - i did - he could find nothing wrong (which is good but i still bleed every day - sorry too much info there) - so i suppose we ticked one thing off my list - could not stop problem though

Im really going to try to see Doctor this week - wont promise - but will try :yesyes: xxx

Thank you all for your support

19-10-10, 04:21

Ill give you my experience - even though I cant comment on the "lady problems" as im male :roflmao:

I have been through phases with my anxiety, and like yourself I have had trouble with my doctors.

I have slight agoraphobia, but its more with large crowds, im comfortable to go to the doctors...

Ive been through the whole situation of them diagnosing everything as anxiety, and unfortunately, im starting to learn that it can do A LOT of odd things to your body... for example I have an unknown stomach complaint which as been diagnosed as IBS but im now going to see a private consultant as I dont believe it is.... Ive just moved out of home for 5months for building work to be carried out, and the stress on moving day had me in tears... a week on and my stomach has now been symptom free... this may not last however the unusual feelings that aren't normal for IBS have disappeared...

Again im not telling you your wrong, id be a hypocrite if I said otherwise, but sometimes stress, worry etc can do some bizarre things to your body and without you even thinking your stressed...

With regards to the "practice" the doctor took, then id suggest you see if another doctor if that option is available (im fortunate my surgery has 10 doctors on shifts throughout the week), and if you also feel you have been mistreated then write a letter of complaint to the practice manager, ive done this before and threaten to report them to PALS... within 24hours i had an apology from the doctor... PALS is like being sent to the head-teacher at school... and id think most doctors will HATE it!!

At the end of the day, if YOUR not happy, go somewhere else and get other opinions, because your health is what matters, and there not doing there job if they think your being "a drama queen"... as ive now been told, god forbid if something is actually wrong and they mis-diagnose it... then they will get the ass... at themselves!! :)

Ive had loads of insight to this, and even have family friend who run medical centres and surgeries, any more questions feel free to message me.