View Full Version : Hi. Yet another swelling the ranks

17-10-10, 13:02
Hello everyone been a lurker for some time now but after a recent bad patch thought I would join so I could get some of the virtual hugs and assurance that you guys are so good at dishing out.:hugs:

My name is Martyn and I live near Daventry. I recon I have suffered from background anxiety for a long time but never really recognised it. I’m sure it goes back to when I worked in motorsport,stress with odd hours and mad travelling regimes coupled with constant checking, double checking and triple checking work left me with OCD, in the end I changed career and things seemed fine. Then a couple of years ago my daughter had health issues, she is 100% now but as a then house husband to a career wife I was left to ‘hold her hand’ through surgery and subsequent invasive treatments for near on two years. My anxiety bubbled up after she was given the all clear which my doctor says is not unusual.

I tend to get background anxiety around winter time which I guess is probably SAD and I feel worse in the mornings but my biggest Achilles heel is health anxiety which is what bought on my latest relapse. My son had a simple ear and throat infection with headache so went to docs and got antibiotic. Over the next few days, as far as I was concerned, this turned into meningitis or a brain tumour (I’m sure plenty of you know where I am coming from). This cleared up last Monday then on Wednesday evening he calmly says to me, without even looking up from his Wii game ‘my bumpy head is back dad’ At that point I had a major anxiety attack like nothing I had ever had before. I was supposed to be taking a university exam the next day so had to cancel this and off to the docs where once again my son was given the all clear (Surprise suprise) and I am on valium.

So feeling a bit low at the moment, as you can imagine, so thought it time to sign up.


17-10-10, 13:03
Hi Groundhog

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
17-10-10, 13:25
Hi Martyn, and welcome aboard! Reading the info in the left column on panic, anxiety and ocd is a good place to start. x:welcome:

17-10-10, 13:25
Hi Martyn

You've made the right decision in joining the forum where there will be others who understand what you're going through and can offer support and reassurance. I have health anxiety myself and have at times been the same with my children where colds have gone on too long, they've been to the loo a lot and I've worried about diabetes etc. You're certain to feel anxious is you have a combination of health anxiety and the natural concern that you have as a parent anyway - which is probably heightened after your daughter's illness.

I'm really glad that your family are well and I'm sure you'll find comfort here :)

Veronica H
17-10-10, 16:15
:welcome:to NMP. You will find great information, comfort and support here.


17-10-10, 20:30
Hello Martyn, :welcome:

Sue x

Vanilla Sky
17-10-10, 20:34
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x