View Full Version : does anyone else get this ???/

17-10-10, 14:47
sometimes i can be sitting on sofa watching telly and i want a drink or maybe the phone rings and i get this feeling inside like i cant get up or i cant answer phone cos i literally cant get off sofa like if i do il fall over or faint or something . also getting very frequent when nearing school run time i start to get ready then feel like if i go i will fall over on way or something will hapen and i wont be able to get there sorry if this sounds really wiered just really getting me down my son is nearing the time wen he will no longer require pushchiar well he dosent use now but i still push it when we go out because i feel like i will fall over if im not holding onto it sorry if i sound crazy but well i am i think !!!:weep:

17-10-10, 15:03
Hi Nicky, can i ask a Question does it feel like your off balance, do you get this when your out, when walking you feel really unsteady on your feet and when standing still you need to hold onto somthing because it feels like your going to fall, its not like a spining feeling just like a swaying feeling, see i get thjis everyday and ive noticed that my hear will race aswell, but its nothing to worry about it down to the anxitey hope ive been of some help Ian

17-10-10, 15:05
yes i do feel of balance i no i have never in the 3 years ive had ths actually fallen over buts its never been this bad