View Full Version : Tension Headaches So Scary...!

17-10-10, 18:47
Hi everyone :) I,m new to the forum, i've had a good look round and am so pleased to have come across this community. I have been suffering from anxiety and stress for a few months now, it has taken 4 different doctors and numerous tests to convince me that I haven't got a brain tumour and that what I am experiencing is anxiety attacks. I have many symptoms on a daily basis but the most frightening for me is the tension headaches, it feels like my heads in a vice and i've been smacked really hard at the back of my head. Initally it made me feel so sick that I couldn't eat, even the thought of it made me baulk, now I make myself eat little but often and I don't feel as nauseas as I did. My chest is also constantly tight and it feels like I have a lump in my throat, a heart scan and ECG came back normal and healthy so I know i'm not going to have a heart attack.

I am finding it very hard to come to terms with as I have a wonderful fiance and loving family. I started my own business last April and things are going really well, yes it can be stressful at times and I do find it hard to relax, i'm always on the go but love what I do.

We went abroad on holiday in September and the first week was horrendous, I couldn't relax, ended up at the doctors, who once again diagnosed stress and anxiety, he gave me some pills to take for the remainder of my stay which helped me enjoy the 2nd week. As soon as I got home the symptoms came back worse than ever, another trip to the doctors, she gave me 25mg Amitriptyline, I haven't started taking them as I want to try self-help first.

On holiday I had 4 massages which were wonderful so i'm about to organise 1 massage a month. I've also changed my diet and eat smaller amounts more frequently, i'm trying to cut out caffeine and stop smoking (blimey thats hard) :wacko: Started doing a bit of yoga on the wii but i've got to admit, being bothered after work every day is proving a bit much :dry: will keep on with it tho!

I'm constantly looking out for a symptom to appear and its driving me nuts and trying not to think about it and relax is soooooo hard for me to do as I like to keep busy. Looking back, I can now see that this as been brewing for at least 3 years, not felt 100% for a long time, I can remember saying to my fiance on a number of occassions that my body didn't feel like it belonged to me, at the time I put it down to just having a bad day.

I feel so much better getting this off my chest but even now my head is tight, my face is numb and i've got a lump in my throat, does this happen to a lot of you?

Loadsa love Shelly :bighug1: xxxx

17-10-10, 19:39
Hi Shelley sounds like your doing all the right things,try to relax hope you get on ok with self help, i have been on amitryptiline for the last year although i had good results from it at first they have had to keep upping the dose i reached a peak of 170mg daily i am know tapering off it as it shouldnt be stopped abruptly if you can manage with out do so.
Good luck:)

17-10-10, 19:41
Hey Shelly

Welcome along hun.

Numb face and lump in throat. Hell yeah!!

Re: the tension headaches. There are relaxation excersises that concentrate on the neck and head area that a friend of mine tought me a long time ago. If you'd like, i could pm you and explain how to do them.



17-10-10, 20:13
Thanks olderfella, one of the reasons I didn't want to start the meds was because of the side effects of starting them and then the withdrawals, i feel bad enough as it is :wacko: x

Lisa, thank you so much for the exercises, i feel better just talking about it to people who understand :flowers: xxx