View Full Version : Bit of a panicky night. Still feeling a bit anxious

Natalie x
17-10-10, 18:52
Hi. This morning at around 4:45, i woke up and my heart was racing and obviously, that led to instant panic. Me and my boyfriend had been out for a few drinks last night and i was also out the night before. I was so scared incase i would have a heart attack, so i woke my boyfriend and he managed to calm me down. My left arm began to feel heavy and slightly tight so you can imagine what was going through my head. I managed to go back to sleep, but today im still a bit worried. What i would like to know is if the racing heart was related to the alcohol or not? Has anyone ever had this before and can anyone put my mind at ease? Thanks x

17-10-10, 19:03
Hi Natalie, i've had a very similar experience this morning after going out drinking last night and i just can't shake that feeling off, really struggling today. But they say alcohol can make anxiety worse so maybe thats all it was. Hope you feel better soon x

17-10-10, 19:31
hi natalie i wake up every morning about 5 or 6 in a deep sweat so i now know there is an attack going to come so now i take 3 deep breaths and go to the bathroom with the light on and sit for 5 minutes telling myself ive nothing to fear until it subsides usually i can get back to sleep but i sure know how u felt so try not to worry you are not alone don

Natalie x
17-10-10, 19:34
Hi Emma. Thanks for your reply. Yeah i've heard that too plus i think alcohol can speed up your heart rate. Im glad im not the only one who thas this. Hope you feel better soon too x

17-10-10, 20:27
hi natalie, i have had this prob quite a few times, alot of the time when i know i have to go to work the next day but also if iv had a drink, i wake up ealry, cant sleep, get palpitations. I also get this thing where i get numbness/pins and needles in my left arm and hand, doc thinks its stress, also sometimes get it in left leg and foot. Iv had it a few times and its gone away, has seemed to correlate with when im feeling stressed so maybe its the same type of thing, hope that helps xxx

Natalie x
17-10-10, 22:02
Thanks for your replies guys. Im trying my hardest not to think about it. I just want to know if anyone else wakes up frm a racing heart? Please reply. I dont even want to go to sleep x

paula lynne
17-10-10, 22:07
:bighug1:I wake in the night with it hun, your not alone. The last hour before bed youve really got to wind down, bath, music, movie, book, whatever, then completely switch off in bed, doing relaxation, (tighten muscle, then relax) do it from your toes to your nose! your not alone x

Natalie x
17-10-10, 22:19
Thanks paula. I've probs had it before but maybe i noticed and panicked more as i was drunk. Hopefully it'll pass :) x

paula lynne
17-10-10, 22:26
Hope you sleep better tonight...drift to sleep thinking happy thoughts...x:hugs:

Natalie x
17-10-10, 23:07
Thanks paula. Lets hope so. Horrid anxiety :mad: x

18-10-10, 09:09
Alcohol raises everyones heart rate, when I've been really plasterd before I've sat around 140 bpm for about 5/6 hours. Luckily I was too wasted to care but when I started to sober up I did get a bit worried til I remembered it does that every time I drink. xx

18-10-10, 09:30
Alcohol can make your heart race yes, and alcohol can make you feel anxious. I don't drink much any more because I know they will have those effects and I know I will feel rubbish the next day as well which will in turn make me panic.

I woke two nights ago with a rapid heart rate, I also had pain in my chest. Got my paper bag out and after a couple of minutes felt better. It was indigestion causing the pain - and even pain down my arm.