View Full Version : question for women relating to time of the month

17-10-10, 19:41
i just wondered if anyone noticed a change in there anxiety/ depression related to there periods? I am still convinved that my current episode is linked to my hormones ( all came on shortly after coming off the yasmin contraceptive pill). GP has pretty much poopooed my thoughts. if anyone does experience increase in anxiety/ depression, could you let me know when it starts.... eg, is it just a few days befoe period or longer? Also, anyone found any contraceptive pills that have helped even them out. i went back onto yasmin and am hoping that may help some of the issues . thanks xx:)

paula lynne
17-10-10, 19:54
Hi ems I could write a book on this......
I began keeping a diary two years ago about my period and anxiety related symptoms.
At ovulation (14 days before bleed) my anx and panic went from, say a 4 to an 8. Dizzyness much worse, headaches, panic attacks, agoraphobia worse..this escalated to a 9 or 10 until I actually bled. Within 48 hrs, I went back down to my usual 4 for anx etc.
This went on for monthes...a definate connection. I began to dread ovulating as you can imagine, and that calender began to take over my life a bit.

6 monthes ago, my gp put me on a trial of the mini-pill (progesterone only). I can really say its made a difference. Last period, I forced myself not to calender watch, and was surprised when I got my period as my dizzy wasnt to bad, and Id been to asda the day before...so my agro is obviosly improved as my anx is less.......
Even the period pain seems to have gone from say, 8 to..6
Its working for me, whatever it is. My gp says I can come off it though at menopause, so maybe a few years then my hormones will right themselves. Hope that helps? xx

17-10-10, 20:23
Hi ems, my periods were as regular as clockwork until I started with anxiety, now they are all over the place. I'm in my 40's and perimenopausal, my doctor tried me on femulan pop pill to help with my hormones but they made my symptoms and periods go haywire. I stopped taking them early in August but still having period problems, I feel pretty rubbish most day but definitely worse before, during and after a period. xxxx

17-10-10, 20:43
hi, not sure if this will help, but four years ago i started getting dizzy spells which last a week before i came on then slowly got better every day i was on(4-5) days then once finished dizzyiness went, i put it down to my pill which i cam off and didnt have anything for 3 months and still got dizzy/anxiety mad every month a week before i was due on and slightly while i was on, then i fell pregant, and for first 2 months of preganacy had dizzys when i would of been due on... but then no dizziness for the rest of the 7 months.....then had my darling daughter and a month after guess what dizzys again, like paula ive noted it on the calder when im dizzy and when i due, also its werid because every month i go 4 weeks then come on or 5 days then of for 4 weeks so like im a week late every month....but because i didnt have it while i was pregant my doc want me to have mirena coil fitted as this is surpose to stop period after a while, kinda like being pregant. im booked in to have it over the next few weeks as have to have smear/swaps first then get results and when all clear get it fitted....but definatley worse dizzy and anxiety before and slightly during... sorry for long post, just so hard to explain... it was funny ready paulas reply as i do the calander watching and often wonder that because im looking at calander that i know im due to get dizzy so i do, but its kinda a differnent dizziness/swaying feeling when im due, and other times just slight dizzy/heady feeling....x

17-10-10, 21:14
thanks for replies, its really interesting reading others responses and I think GP def need to be a bit more clued up on how it effects us. I just thought about it today as is one week before period is due and noticed anxiety has been a lot worse over past few days..... paula lynee i may ask GP about mini pill. is there any vitamins you take that help? I have been taking vitamin B complex for about 2 months now, though not sure if is a very good one as just a tesco cheapo. any suggestions? thanks again x

18-10-10, 15:13
I definitely have this problem. A day or two before I get my period my anxiety really ramps up and tends to stay at that level throughout the cycle. I try to remind myself that it is my hormones and nothing is actually wrong, but it can be a little tough sometimes. Just take good care of yourself and remind yourself that your period means your body is working like it is supposed to!

I'm on the pill and I noticed when I went off it for a bit earlier this year the anxiety was much much worse, but everyone's body is different.

paula lynne
18-10-10, 15:44
Hi love, yes I take a vit b complex (its reduced my boob pain before a period), although I found out on here we need extra vit b as anxiety depletes it. I hope you sort it out with your gp, let us know what happens. x
My vits are from asda. x

18-10-10, 16:19
I've had problems with different types of progesterones as well, which has made finding an effective type of HRT a real pain in the backside.

At the moment I'm using Provera for the second half of my cycle, but I think that the dose is going to have to be tinkered with to get the cycle control right. However, I did feel better in my head this month, rather than spending 10 days obsessing about death.