View Full Version : Vision... So scared!

17-10-10, 20:29

Has anyone had vision problems with their anxiety/panic attacks?
Its just happened to me again and im a nervous wreck.. I was just on my laptop an i lay on my stomach an my ears went really weird, like they had loadsa pressure in them an ringing, like they were gona pop an then my vision went weird.. Like all bitty, i cant describe it.. Abit blurry, abit spotty an fuzzy bt only for like a couple of seconds... I immediately sat up an my ears unblocked an vision was ok bt then went into huge panic attack.. Iv now got that derealisation thing an my arms dont feel like mine.... I know that bit is anxiety bt im terrified of the vision thing cos its happened before... Im scared of brain tumour or something. Or migrane which u can be sick with (huge vomit phobia)... I jus hate feeling out of control an i get sooo anxious about being ill.. Ivjust got over this cold virus going round an my mums away which isnt helping! Need her for reassurance..

Has anyone had this? Advice would b really appreciated as i have a hair app tomorrow an im terrified of steppin out my front door incase it happens again :( xx

17-10-10, 21:06
Hi I read your post, I can totally relate to the vision & ear thing. My ears do that quite often I think I read somewhere its to do with unconsciously clenching the jaw causing the ear(s) to tense up. Regarding my vision its always the first thing i notice when going into a panic attack, I usually start by getting pixel vision the rest follow.
I get migraines sometimes & I never vomit, I wouldn’t worry, just tension..
Hope you feel better soon.

17-10-10, 21:10
Thank you for your reply.
Its reassuring to know that other people have vision problems from anxiety.
I just get so freeked out incase its a migrane because its the whole 'out of control' feeling an i get so scared incase it happens an i cant see to get myself home if im out...
I think it was just panic but i hate it!
Wish it would all just go away an i can get on with life :) x

18-10-10, 10:25
I also experience this blurred vision; my left eye has it now as it goes :) but i know it's nothing really, just anxiety about something sub-conscious.

As for the tumour fears; get the standard tests done so you can reassure yourself, backed up by results, that you do not have a tumour or anything else life-threatening.

Try a few stretches and some happy thoughts :)

All the best.

18-10-10, 10:56
I just wonder whether you trapped something in your neck by lying in a funny position. The tension may have made your ear go strange and then your eyes go funny.

18-10-10, 20:36
Thats sounds like it could have been that dodo... if trapping a nerve or something can make your ears and eyes go funny? Because i was fine.. then lay on my stomach an my ears felt loadsa pressure and like they were gona pop an eyes went weird.. then sat up and it all went fine.... just got into a panic about it then! x