View Full Version : In a panic!!

17-10-10, 21:32
I'm in a panic can't get any air x

paula lynne
17-10-10, 21:34
Yes you can..your lungs know what to do.
Weve been over this hun..paper bag..or hands over mouth and nose...got to get your breathing under control.....
are you alone?

17-10-10, 21:38
Slow, deep breaths honey.

Sue x

paula lynne
17-10-10, 21:45
you CAN do it...it wont hurt you I promise..it will be over very soon.....youre doing it...keep going hun...breathe thats all xxx:hugs:

17-10-10, 21:54
Paulas right hunni breathe into a paper bag just like we spoke about last nite when you was panicking. Like I said last night you will get through it and you did and you will again tonight, x

17-10-10, 21:57
Sorry to be like this. I've had the anxiety since I was 21 but only since may I've had the severe panic attacks there awful x

17-10-10, 22:00
People blaming me for split up with my ex thay don't understand my situation x

22-10-10, 04:24
I hope you feel better now. :)

People blaming me for split up with my ex thay don't understand my situation x