View Full Version : Feel like i can't breathe

cheesy pete
18-10-10, 00:45
Just woken up and starting to calm down. Woke up and felt as if i can't breathe. Had acid reflux of late but been better the last couple of days. Woken up after not really properly being asleep feeling as though i can't breathe. Tight around bottom of ribs on both sides and around central part of breastbone - anyone help or suggestion of anything?

paula lynne
18-10-10, 01:02
Hi cheesy pete...its a distressing feeling...you will breathe though, its involuntary and your lungs know what their doing.
The pain is probably intercostal muscles reacting to hyperventilating, we often feel it oce weve calmed down. Try a glass of warm milk, it contains tryptophans which are natural sleep hormones........x gnite x

cheesy pete
18-10-10, 01:13
Thanks Paula,

It's horrible feeling, happened to me a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly feel like i can't breathe. Even worse at night as you end up feeling much more alone - starting to calm down a bit but still feel like i could cry for a bit - i get so scared that something is going to happen to me :weep:

Kerry B
18-10-10, 09:39
Hi when I have trouble breathing I normally blow in a brown paper bag and its works for me give it a go next time. Hope you are now feeling better. x

18-10-10, 09:43
Someone said to me it will be the acid irritating your chest and that's the shortness of breath. Even if the pains gone away you might still be getting the reflux. Can you feel gurgling in your throat?

I say this as I have had it for a few days and have the same symptoms. Have woken feeling sick and like I can't breath. Night before last was the worst and I was on my own and couldn't breathe. Propped myself up and bed with my paper bag and eventually the acid stopped coming up as far and I calmed down too as my heart was racing.

cheesy pete
18-10-10, 18:44
Thanks for all your comments. Feel a bit better today - really tired though as took me ages to go back to sleep as i freaked myself out a bit.
Think i must have tensed up as my back and sides really hurt today - hoping for a much better night tonight.