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18-10-10, 02:11

My names Danielle but every1 calls me Dan. I have felt so alone for so long and finding this site feels like a breath of fresh air ! I have suffered with panic attacks and anxiety for 4 years but recently i have become severely depressed and have had to leave my job. I am no also suffering from agrophobia and have not left the house for over a month :(

I would love some advice from any1 who has been agrophobic and has recovered from it as for right about now i cant ever imagin leaving the house again :( even watching people outside on tv makes me very uncomfortable !!!


Dan :)

18-10-10, 02:12
Hi DanDanT

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-10-10, 02:31
:welcome: Dan. Hope you find a lot of help and hope here.

18-10-10, 02:35
Thank u i hope so to :)

18-10-10, 16:25
Hi Dan welcome, im glad you found us.:)

18-10-10, 16:53
Hi Dan, i'm also agoraphobic, and I have been for awhile now. I've only recently started to go out again, within the past month, so im by no means recovered yet. But I have done a few things that seemed to me to be impossible not that long ago. So there is a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Might be hard, but you are gonna get alot of great support and info on here. I also get that thing where i feel weird when i see people walking around outside on tv, so don't worry too much about that. Anyway, welcome, I hope you find this site useful.

margaret jones
18-10-10, 17:18
Hi Dan welcome to NMP this is a great site and you will find lots of advice /information and meet lots of lovely people .
I suffer from Agrophobia so I know how you feel I am doing well at the moment and have even flown abroad early this mnth so there is a light at the end of the tunnel , do you take any meds ??

18-10-10, 17:48
hi dan ive suffered from agrophobia few years ago i started doing little walks goin to post mail also used go out when it got dark when no one about keep doin little bit further everyday not saying it was easy hope this helps take care gambo

18-10-10, 18:55
Hi and :welcome:to NMP ..you will find lots of help and support here .All the very best in conquering your Agrophobia ..Sue x

paula lynne
18-10-10, 20:00
Hi Dan Dan and welcome to you..:welcome:Im Paula, agoraphobic with panic and anx for ten years. It does get better...nice to know you x:hugs:

18-10-10, 20:05
Welcome to NMP hunni x

Fly away Katie
18-10-10, 21:34
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

19-10-10, 03:51
Thank u every1 for ur kind word of support means so much 2 me so glad i found u guys :)