View Full Version : different sized pupils, dizziness, possible brain tumour?

18-10-10, 09:37
Hi there for the past week, i've been experiencing severe dizziness, to the point when i get up to walk i feel like i'm going to fall over, also this week i've noticed that my right pupil is slightly larger then the left one, i used Dr Google which i know i shouldn't and the first thing it bought up was brain tumour's, now i'm in such a state about it, i'm convinced thats what it is.
I'm currently taking medication for my anxiety, 50mg of sertraline, & 10mg of amertriptiline, could this be the cause do you think?

I'd love some feedback as i'm going insane with worry.
Thanks Mel.

18-10-10, 09:40
I think the medicine could be making you dizzy. How about going and seeing your GP to chat about it and seeing if they can change your medication and at the same time check you over? How long have you been on it?

On the pupil thing, my friend has this anxiety as well and I'm sure it's just your mind playing tricks. She has been checked over all ok. Also make sure when you've been looking at your eyes that you don't have light going into one of them as this will make one smaller.

Carly Lou
18-10-10, 09:42
Mel !!! lol
didnt we speak about this over email lol xxx
ive just started my sert again, but with half a diaz and i feel a bit dizzy and woosey !! xxx im guessing it is just the meds xxx
now.... if you are that worried, and im sure you have nothing to worry abt have a eye test, thats what did when i was going through the motions of believeing i had a brain tumour, they check behind your eyes etc... trust me tho your fine...
quite expensive if you have a the eye test with the 3d imaging and stuff, but is it puts your mind to rest, also the doc can do a little eye test for you,... mine did also and said said all was fine :-) xxx
relax hunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-10-10, 09:48
3d imaging? Lol, where have you been to get tested? Sounds fancy!

18-10-10, 09:59
Hey dodo, been on the sertaline for 8 weeks, started to feel better after about 4-5 weeks, but now feel terrible again, if it wasn't for this dizziness i'd proberbly be ok, i went to the doctor's last week about this pupil thing and he basically said there was nothing wrong with them, he shined some light into them etc, i just don't feel it's right thats all, does that make sence.

Carly Lou
18-10-10, 10:03
my optomertrist does 3d eye testing, cost me 60 quid tho!!!! well worth it, just because it was pretty amazing to see if that makes sense... lol xxx
i think when you doc shines the light into them like mine did... they can see behind the eyes... meaning they would be able to notice something sinister behind them xxx sweetie i believe youll be fine xxxxx
i have a obsession with turning lights on and off and watching my pupils get bigger and smaller... bizarre huh, just one of my many anxiety obsessions !!! xxxx

18-10-10, 10:14
Did you ahve the dizziness then and did you mention it to him? If he said all was fine then it should be but I know how you feel as I have dizziness at the moment and it's not nice.

18-10-10, 12:13
I have different sized pupils always.

18-10-10, 12:30
i had this!! i was worried sick and had severe dizziness to the point where i was literally bed-ridden. I ended up in A&E, and explained to them the pupil thingy, they didnt seem atall concerned and just said its probably coz ur looking for it and anxiety can creatge warped images from our eyes lol. I had a CT brain scan and all was normal. It didnt happen for months after that. I get dizzy all the time but pupils are fine. Its all in ur head hun, nuffin to worry bout. The dizziness is 99.9% anxiety )mine was and is) ive been checked out by ENT too, and i dont have anything wsrong in my ears apart from some fluid behind eardrum which is probably the reason for my dizziness lol. Try not to worry, but if u find its really affecting u and your anxiety, expalin this to ur doctor and say u cant feel better until u know for sure as its ruining ur life, and he may refer you for CT scan. Depends on doctor tho, ive always had a lovely doctor. Hes referred me for an echo (heart scan) next week coz of palpitations with dizziness, and hes gave me countless ecg's and referred me for bloods and is also sending me to a neurologist if my heart scan is clear. Sum docs arent as willing so if u feel ur doctor isnt helping your anxiety, then try another. Ul get there hun, chin up xx

18-10-10, 12:49
so0metimes people just have different sized pupils.

18-10-10, 13:56
I have different sized pupils and have done for 14 years. It's called aides tonic pupil and my doctor seems to think it's linked to anti depressants. It's harmless but the more you tune into it the more it happens.
As long as your pupils react in light changes it's fine.

18-10-10, 13:59
Thanks Crazyhayz, just this minite got back from doctor and optician, doctor is re-ferring me for a full blood exam, he told be to go back to opticians and ask for a field vision test, i think it shows up problems with the brain etc, did this straight away, tests came back clear, now just have to wait for blood results and hope nothing shows up on them, what a nightmare. Also having my first CBT therapy appointment on wednesday, hopefully she'll wave a magic wand and make me feel better.

18-10-10, 16:53
David Bowie has different sized pupils.

18-10-10, 17:26
His are more different than mine.
One of mine is just slightly bigger at times, sometimes it's the same and on pictures it's the same, weird.
It's more obvious when I have a migraine or a BAD HEADACHE.

18-10-10, 18:14
Exactly the same as me midnight!!! Much worse with a bad headache
mine are really noticable at time ESP in dim light

18-10-10, 18:26
My husband attended the optician recently and was referred to hospital with different sized pupils. He was told is was a condition called aidies pupil and that it is completely harmless. The dizziness could be meds or anxiety. I know it's difficult but try not to worry. It's almost never what we fear the most. :flowers: