View Full Version : Stomach issues STILL

18-10-10, 09:37
I had a stomach bug about 5 weeks ago. It was just causing pain - no sickness or the runs - and it lasted for about a week before slowing going away. I was left with a nauseaous feeling every now and again and some dizziness (not sure if the dizziness is related or not).

This went on for about 3 weeks, just having an upset stomach and softer stools that usual.

I had a couple of days recently where I felt much better and thought it was on the turn, but now it has come back again.

I have had idigestion/reflux on a daily basis for a few days now, as well as feeling sick, brining pain in my tummy etc etc.

I'm at my whits end and it's really getting me down and making me feel low.

Does anyone know what could be wrong or has anyone had a similar experience?

I had blood tests done recently for my hair falling out - which all came back normal. Would they have looked for other health issues that would have explained my bad tummy as well? I had a FBC, ESR, LFTs, U+E, Mag, Cal all looked at.

18-10-10, 10:58
Hi dodo, going through something similar. Can't work out if it's a virus or IBS flare-ups :shrug: so I guess that's not much help but you're certainly not alone. Do you have IBS? x

18-10-10, 11:08
No I don't have IBS but wondered if it could be brought on by a stomach bug? How long has your been going on?

Everyone I know who have had stomach bugs recently have had it for a week at the very kost and then been better. Mine just doesn't seem to be going away.

18-10-10, 11:17
I was first ill about six weeks ago - got better but now have had similar symptoms for nearly a week, mostly horrible nausea and dizziness, off and on stomach pain. Maybe your system has been knocked off balance by the initial illness - eating/drinking probiotic yogurt might help, or you could try a probiotic supplement.

Personally, I feel I get exposed to a lot because I travel on public transport and use shared workstations. I plan to ask the naturopath I see for something to help my immune system.

18-10-10, 11:34
I have just started eating a probiotic yoghurt actually.

I'm torn as to what is going on. This has all started just before I returned to work about 5 weeks ago and since then I just don't seem to have felt well at work. I've started to get worried that by the time I go back to work next I still won't be well etc etc.

And this sounds silly but I have started to dread needing to go to toilet at work because I had a dizzy spell twice when I went in the cubical. It is a floor to ceiling door as well.

I know my panic is getting worse because of the illness persisting.

18-10-10, 17:51
hi hun i've not been to well recently with similar simtoms as yours about 3 weeks ago. Then 2 days ago I got a burning sensation in my stomach of which i'm sure was the spicey chicken i ate, but straight away my brain told me something was seriously wrong, so I worried about it all day and finally calmed down yesterday afternoon. However where i have been worrying so much my stomach now feels so bruised. I also think that I now notice every slight pain and tummy rummble now, it's like i've become hyper sensetive to how my tummy feels. It just feels like a visious circle.
I just try to remember that everything is fine and that it's just my mind not my body.

18-10-10, 19:06
Just a guess, Dodo, and I'm not a doctor - but I suspect you didn't have a virus, and have actually had, and are having, a gastritis attack.

Gastritis causes acid pains, burping and nausea. It can make you feel full when you aren't. And it can make you lose your appetite. If you're unlucky, like me, it'll make you poop a lot too.

I went to my GP once, thinking I had prolonged food poisoning - he instantly diagnosed gastritis.

You can try treating it OTC with things like Gaviscon. Or your GP can give you meds for it, basically to prevent the production of acid.

I could of course be wrong :)


18-10-10, 19:13
Hi its best to seek advice from the GP if your concerned as there are many syptoms that could be many things such as IBS,gall stons, indegestion, stomach bug etc i suggest go to GP and inmeantime take probiotics or digestive enzymes tc

18-10-10, 19:28
DR wasn't in the least bit concerned. Can't be anything wrong with my liver as my tests came back fine. No inflamation as those tests came back ok. And I don't have a gallbladder so it's not that :(