View Full Version : taking baby steps

18-10-10, 09:48
Ihave had ha for 18 months now and its getting harder to cope.I seem to take small baby steps forward then a clonking great fist hits me back miles....and it can be something that didnt worry me last week but has reared its ugly head

18-10-10, 10:16
I think that's probably how the majority of us feel.

I went to see my psych a month ago and said how good I was feeling and how well I was. Three days later I feel like utter sh*te. Ill and the HA returns again with avengance.

18-10-10, 10:16
It's like that with pretty much everyone with any form of anxiety to be honest. The only thing you can do in my experience is pick yourself up and try again. I know how you feel, I've been "cured" about 3 times in my 7 months of anxiety but it's always come back for something. Don't give up.

18-10-10, 13:47
If only i could take my own advise.

18-10-10, 15:04
Me too. I feel like a right hypocrite sometimes! :lac: x