View Full Version : Tingling in legs and arms - Help!

18-10-10, 10:36
Morning everyone!

For the past few months now, occaisionally I get discomfort when I am trying to sleep, I get a tingly buzzing feeling in my right leg, and sometimes the arm. It only seems to happen when im trying to sleep and it makes it so uncomfortable that I have to get out of bed and try and relax etc or stand up or move around! I get no pain, just a tingly buzzing numbness feeling.

I had it last night, but managed to get to sleep, however it has carried on this morning, im feeling it right now at work. Perhaps because im thinking so much about it that is why I can still feel it.

Does anyone else have this? Could it be restless legs syndrome? However I do not have any pain?

Katie xxx

18-10-10, 11:59
I have this too on occassion, especially when my anxiety is particularly bad or something is playing on my mind. I guess its to do with the way we breath and tense up without realising. I used to get this feeling all the time but now I have adopted a different position in bed, laying on my back to let theblood circulate better and in my case it seems to have helped. Circulation can often be affected through anxiety and this is what causes these tingling sensations. I occasionally wake up with the tingling and realise that in my sleep I have turned over and I am scrunched in a tight ball or I have been laying on one side of my body restricting the blood flow. Its a pretty frightening feeling to wake up to especially in the dead of night. You say you still have it now which urges me to think that this is simply because it is playing on your mind still. I often get a new sypmtom and can carry it on by letting it play on my mind. x

18-10-10, 20:12
Thanks Pinkpiglet, its horrible, I suffer really badly from HA so im thinking oooh its a brain tumour etc xxx

18-10-10, 20:33
I get it in both my legs. I think my tingling is a result of taking ssri meds. Sometimes I am unaware of the tingling but since I have read your thread, it's come back with a vengance!!! (I think it's cuz I'm thinking about it) :blush:

I was less aware of it earlier today too but I had a doctor's appointment...as soon as I mentioned it to her that I'd had tingly legs...yup, you guessed it...mega tinglyness started up again! :mad:

18-10-10, 20:35
Oh dear, sorry Jada, thats the thing isnt it the more you think about the more it becomes real... sorry hun x

18-10-10, 21:42
Hope you get a better night's sleep tonight Katie :hugs:

paula lynne
18-10-10, 23:29
Hi hun, I use a paper bag in bed and it takes the edge off the tingles..hope you sleep better soon x:hugs: