View Full Version : Upset tummy STILL!

18-10-10, 11:11
I've already posted this in HA, but I know different people go in different forums and it seems fairly quiet at the moment so I hope you don't mind:

I had a stomach bug about 5 weeks ago. It was just causing pain - no sickness or the runs - and it lasted for about a week before slowing going away. I was left with a nauseaous feeling every now and again and some dizziness (not sure if the dizziness is related or not).

This went on for about 3 weeks, just having an upset stomach and softer stools that usual.

I had a couple of days recently where I felt much better and thought it was on the turn, but now it has come back again.

I have had idigestion/reflux on a daily basis for a few days now, as well as feeling sick, brining pain in my tummy etc etc.

I'm at my whits end and it's really getting me down and making me feel low.

Does anyone know what could be wrong or has anyone had a similar experience?

I had blood tests done recently for my hair falling out - which all came back normal. Would they have looked for other health issues that would have explained my bad tummy as well? I had a FBC, ESR, LFTs, U+E, Mag, Cal all looked at.

19-10-10, 09:41

19-10-10, 09:45
hi dodo - not really sure what to say as i have just posted regarding my 4 months of stomach problems. was it definitely a bug or could it have been that start of your stomach producing too much acid etc? i would not worry too much if your blood tests are ok - they were probably not looking for stomach issues but normal results are a good marker of good general health but i know its easy to say this because when i am thinking about mine at 3 am - i think i must have something terminal!

19-10-10, 10:07
A couple of other family members had the same thing so I know it was a bug initially. I wonder if it's possible to get something like irritable bowel following a tummy bug. Though I'm worrying that I have the big C somewhere in my body and it has spread at the moment.

19-10-10, 10:12
Anxiety and depression suppress the immune system, so it takes longer for us to get better. It might be the reason its been lingering for so long.

19-10-10, 10:59
I have the same as you and it is 6 weeks for me now.
My 13 year old son had it for about 4 weeks.
We are both off to the gp tomorrow as I am fed up with this going on so very long
The last week I have had being dizzy really bad as well

19-10-10, 11:08
Hi honey, In my area (West Midlands) there seems to be a very nasty sickness and diarrhoea virus doing the rounds.

Many have appeared to have got over it, only then for the symptoms to begin again...It's really knocking some people about.

Your immune system will be working extra hard right now, so leave it for a few days, then if you don't feel any better, make an appointment to see your GP, for more advice.

I hope you'll be on the road to recovery very soon...

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

19-10-10, 11:11
I have the same as you and it is 6 weeks for me now.
My 13 year old son had it for about 4 weeks.
We are both off to the gp tomorrow as I am fed up with this going on so very long
The last week I have had being dizzy really bad as well

Get well soon...

Sue x :flowers:

19-10-10, 11:17
I am really starting to freak out about this as I have now realised I don't think I can remember a period this year when I have felt really well. I had a tummy bug way back this year and my stomach just doesn't seem to have recovered from it. I am really worried there's something awful going on, especially as I have no energy much of the time as well. But surely my blood tests would have shown something up as not quite right. I do hold onto that but I'm not sure whether I'm just fooling myself.

19-10-10, 12:36
you are not alone - my horrible stomach symptoms which have been going on for much longer have me convinced that i too have cancer when my imagination is running riot! it can take weeks to get over a stomach bug and you may just have a bit of irritation left in your stomach x

19-10-10, 12:48
What prolongs it for me is that everyone else seems to have gotten over their problems weeks ago and mine still persist.

19-10-10, 18:23
A couple of other family members had the same thing so I know it was a bug initially. I wonder if it's possible to get something like irritable bowel following a tummy bug. Though I'm worrying that I have the big C somewhere in my body and it has spread at the moment.

It is absolutely possible to develop IBS after a virus. That's how my sister's IBS started. I also mentioned on your other thread, that you may have gastritis, as it fits all your symptoms. If it carries on, it's worth asking your GP about it.

19-10-10, 22:38
Have seen my GP tonight and she didn't seem at all concerned. She said it could possibly be IBS.

If it is still there in a week or so I will go back again. It is strange because it is always worse in the morning, and by the evening I am relativly normal again.