View Full Version : lump on foot

18-10-10, 11:42
so I am battleing the fear of cancer on a daily basis - I avoid so many parts of my body its unreal but today I happened to noticed that there is a lump on my foot. It's in the bony area on the top side and I've made an appointment to speak to my GP but I am worrying in the mean time - any reassurance would be good :weep:

18-10-10, 12:30
Its sounds like a ganglion cyst, they are very common on the foot. My niece had had one for years.
STOP checking for lumps just be aware, i have lumps often that come and go.

18-10-10, 13:01

I think it sounds like a ganglion cyst as well. A lady where I work went to teh docs with something similar just yesterday and this was what she was told. Ive found when you prod an area enough you can eventually feel something you dont think should be there. The only thingd I can suggest is to try to distract yourself with something you like doing whenever you get the urge to start checking/feeling. Hugs

18-10-10, 13:03
You can also get a lump on arch of foot from wearing shoes that rub or are too tight across top of foot - its natures way of protecting the bone from pressure.

I have a hard lump on a rib - its left side at top of chest and I can only feel it if I lose weight - I panicked about 20 yrs ago when I first felt it and was told be Dr that is was just how I was made.

My aunty is very thin and one day laying down she pressed her stomach and felt a large hard lump - mad panic off to Dr to be told she was feeling her backbone!!!!!!!!

18-10-10, 13:16
I've done the google thing and I'm not sure that it's a ganglion cycst as it doesn't feel fluid filled - thank you for replies - absolutely freaking out guess I'll just have to wait and see what the dr's say when I can get an appointment (waiting for them to ring and decide if its worthy of their time). Until then I'll be petrified and unable to concentrate on anything else other than cancer :weep:

18-10-10, 13:48
I've done the google thing and I'm not sure that it's a ganglion cycst as it doesn't feel fluid filled

You wouldnt know if its filled with fluid just by pressing it, ive had a ganglion cyst on my wrist for years, its the size and shape of a pea and it feels solid.
Get it checked but i bet they will tell you that that what it is.