View Full Version : Raised antinuclear antibodies - probable autoimmune

18-10-10, 12:06
Hi there,

For over a year I've been utterly exhausted, in pain in my muscles, off balance, weakness all over body, mentally confused and unable to concentrate, generally very unwell. I have a history of anxiety so have sought support here but whatever is wrong with me is definitely more than anxiety.

Finally some blood tests reveal a raised antinuclear antibodies level, which seems can mean many things but is most likely to mean some kind of autoimmunine disease like Lupus.

Also, it seems it can be present in diagnoses for both MS and CFS, both of which I have suspected for some time.

Anyone here had a similar blood test result and did it progress to a diagnosis for anything?


18-10-10, 14:04
Do you mean M.E not M.S?
I suspect I could have M.E or C.F.S
I think I need this test, what're the doctors doing now?

18-10-10, 15:45
No I meant MS, I have read that raised levels of this antibody come through in MS patients. ME is the same thing as CFS I think. However, it seems it can also be in "healthy" people, albeit massively in the minority. They only get concerned with a raised level of this if you are having "symptoms" - well, I am definitely having those!

Regarding the Lupus it seems that skin rashes of various kinds are a definite thing that happens with this as well as joint pain and inflammation. I have muscle pain but not joint pain - I don't think I have Lupus. However I think a CFS diagnosis is now quite likely for me, given the way I've been feeling for a whole year now.

Next step is to go to the docs on Wednesday, and she said we'll talk about what to do next.


19-10-10, 15:45
Has no-one ever had this in the blood results? No-one?

19-10-10, 17:27
Is it a routine blood test Gareth or does the doc have to ask for it?

20-10-10, 09:52
Apparently according to the doc its just one of the tests that gets done when you do the "full blood work".

Saw her again this morning, she doesn't think I have Lupus. But she wants to me see the neurologist again, and said following that, she wants me to see an expert in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.


20-10-10, 10:23
Having had CFS for coming up for three years, I'm very interested in your thread, Gareth.

Not sure if I've ever had the ANA test but I think I'll ask my GP next time I'm there. At least you have a doc who seems interested. Chronic fatigue syndrome specialist? What's that? Even when this cost me my job, all I got was a shoulder shrug.

Good luck in getting to the root of your problems and hope it's nothing too serious x

blue moon
20-10-10, 23:15
Hi Gareth....I have Lupus.I found this out after lots of tests,I had raised A.N.A levels and low white cell count,I get bad pain in joints.It is not all bad.Hope you find answer.
Petra x