View Full Version : dont no what to do

18-10-10, 12:20
hi i need some advice iv got a number of illness like underactive thyroyd high blood pressure to much iron in blood i allso am really bad with anxiety and have panic attacks could it be one off thease illness coursin it my gp doesnt seem to care iv got a lot of hospital appointments this month im terrified he perscribed prapranodol for my anxiety im not sleeping atall i dont feel like me cant consentrait on anythin always cleannin my house thats all that keeps me going and my kids but some nights i just want to end it thats all i think about i guess im just selfish but im really scared of what im feeling i dont go out on my own i feel sick and dizzy and that im going to pass out but isit iv just had enough i go to gp he says its anxiety i just cant go on anymore i feel so stupid and try to say its anxiety feeling i cant breath anyone else feel thease things plz help dont no how much longer can go on like this :weep:

18-10-10, 12:29
Hunni it does sound like anxiety and I know thyroid problems can cause anxiety my gp tested me for thyroid problems when I was diagnosed with anxiety. Some one please tell me if I'm wrong but that's what my gp told me. Please try stay strong I know its hard but with the right help you can feel better from this. X

18-10-10, 12:35
Sammi is right, Jeanne, and having too much iron in your blood can also be a cause of anxiety. I hope your hospitals appts prove helpful in terms of treatment x

18-10-10, 14:48
Also, is there another GP at your practice that you could see if you find that your usual one isn't very sympathetic? Otherwise, it might be worth asking round people you know to find a good GP and transfer to him/her.

cornwall dan
18-10-10, 14:59
I had problems with one of my Gps just brushing things off and shoving pills at me.I now have a good Gp who after me telling him my concerns,actually listened to me and focused the treatment better because even though very simular the treatment for anxiety and panic attacks can be different.I thought it was the same thing but he told me other wise.
With all things its better to shop around to get the best service,im not saying some doctors are rubbish its just some will gel better to you.

Cornwall Dan:yahoo:

18-10-10, 15:09
thankyou all so much thought i was going mad will take your advice and see about changing gp xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx