View Full Version : Lower Right Back Ache??? Gallstones??

18-10-10, 12:38
Hi guys,
Well i know i have gallstones & have an appointment with the surgeon but for the last few weeks ive been getting a constant dull ache in my lower right back! (Its not severe just uncomfortable)Ive put this down to the gallstones but then apart from the ache im fine. so anyhow, off to the doctors i went yet again who did a urine test (Clear) & said the pain sounds too low down for it to be the gallstones & just suggested its a muscle strain etc, gave me Naproxen to take as normal pain killers dont touch it!
The docs sure its not kidneys etc!
Have any of u guys experienced the lower back ache (almost constant) with gallstones Or am i just reading too much into it (As Usual) lol.

18-10-10, 12:50
How far down is it?

I had pain just in line with where my bra band was with mine. Sometimes it did go lower mind you but that would be when I was having an attack.

I sympathise with you wholly, gallstones are just awful.

18-10-10, 14:01
How far down is it?

I had pain just in line with where my bra band was with mine. Sometimes it did go lower mind you but that would be when I was having an attack.

I sympathise with you wholly, gallstones are just awful.

Hi Dodo
thanks for the reply,
Its right at the bottom of my back on the right, just above hip bone!
Yes, normally i get it all through my back but only when ive had an attack, it feels like im dying, lol.
Did u have your gallbladder removed then?

Hazel B
18-10-10, 15:38
My gallstone pain can be anywhere from my right shoulder down to my right hip. It's also pretty constant now but much worse at night.
Can't wait for the op!

20-10-10, 15:19
My gallstone pain can be anywhere from my right shoulder down to my right hip. It's also pretty constant now but much worse at night.
Can't wait for the op!

Thanks hazel, Yea mine is in just above my right hip, I seem fine 1st thing in the morning but as the day goes on it just aches & i also get a dull ache where my gallbladder is! Ive tried the meds the doc gave me thinking it was a muscular pain but they dont touch it, only thing that helps is if i apply heat on the area, normally sit with my back against the radiator!
Like you i now cant wait get rid of the bloody thing! Was petrified about the op at 1st as ive never had one but now im kinda looking 4ward to it, the niggly ache all the time is gettin me down a bit now!
Have you heard when your opp is yet? x

Hazel B
20-10-10, 17:13
Haven't got a date yet! Blummin NHS!
I've found that painkillers do not touch the pain, and I've tried scary stuff like codeine. I'll try the heat idea and take a water bottle to bed with me, I usually sleep on my right hand side but it hurts too much!

I've cut out most fat from my diet but the pain is still there, it's a nightmare trying to eat out!

Take care and hope it's sorted soon.


20-10-10, 19:09
I know how you feel about diet i had to eat no fat for a few months while waiting for my gall bladder op. Have you tried probiotics or digestive enzymes you can get these from health food shops may help tc

Hazel B
21-10-10, 16:58
Ljd - did you have your gallbladder removed? If so, how long did your recovery take?
And I didn't know about digestive enzymes, will look it up, thanks.

Dahlia - the pain is on the right hand side, and can also feel like really bad indigestion a couple of hours after eating a fatty meal. My GP thought it was an ulcer at first.

21-10-10, 18:42
Ljd - did you have your gallbladder removed? If so, how long did your recovery take?
And I didn't know about digestive enzymes, will look it up, thanks.

Dahlia - the pain is on the right hand side, and can also feel like really bad indigestion a couple of hours after eating a fatty meal. My GP thought it was an ulcer at first.

Sorry, I was just flagging up constipation as a possibility, as the original poster thought the pain was too low down for it to be gallbladder problems. I get that pain when constipated. Good to know it can also be gallbladder though.

21-10-10, 21:02
Hi i had my gall bladder removed and recovery was fine and did not take long although felt like ages at the time but that was due to being very ill before having my gall bladder taken out. I am fine now and cant tell i dont have one.


Hazel B
22-10-10, 12:30
Thanks, am on the waiting list, you have given me hope it will all be OK. The pain gets worse every week, even on a low fat diet!

23-10-10, 14:09
Haven't got a date yet! Blummin NHS!
I've found that painkillers do not touch the pain, and I've tried scary stuff like codeine. I'll try the heat idea and take a water bottle to bed with me, I usually sleep on my right hand side but it hurts too much!

I've cut out most fat from my diet but the pain is still there, it's a nightmare trying to eat out!

Take care and hope it's sorted soon.

Yea same here, NHS, took me months even get a scan, got appointment with consultant 22nd November then ive heard you have to wait months before u get the op!!
& Same again, painkillers dont even ease it so i dont bother taking them now! The Heat thing does take the edge of slightly though so give it a try, ive moved my bed up to the radiator, i lie on my right side with back against radiator & have a hot water bottle holding to my stomach when it gets bad, does seem to ease a bit!
Be Glad when its sorted though, it kinds takes over your life a bit.
keep in touch hun, x:)

23-10-10, 14:11
I know how you feel about diet i had to eat no fat for a few months while waiting for my gall bladder op. Have you tried probiotics or digestive enzymes you can get these from health food shops may help tc

Thanks for the reply, Yea, ive started taking probiotics last week, i dont seem to get a lot of wind since ive started taking them which is one good thing!

23-10-10, 14:14
Sorry, I was just flagging up constipation as a possibility, as the original poster thought the pain was too low down for it to be gallbladder problems. I get that pain when constipated. Good to know it can also be gallbladder though.

Dahila, thanks for getting back.
Im very regular so i dont think its that, i eat loads of fiber & so far alls been well that end, lol.
Thanks for your advice though :D