View Full Version : Frustrated with my bad skin

18-10-10, 13:54
I have oily skin, and I get spots occasionally, but they seem to have got alot worse in the last 5 weeks or so. My GP gave me an antibiotic lotion for my skin, and he has said I need to use it for 2 months before they will try me on anything else, but it seems to be getting worse.

Most of the infection is on my chin, the spots have no head, they are big and very hard, they last weeks. Just when I think one is going another hard one appears in the same area. They are on the chin and jaw line, but I have one near my eyebrow which went huge, finally went down to just a small hard lump, which has now flared up huge again and really hurts.

I saw my GP last week and he just gave me another month of the Zineryt I think it's called. I told him my glands in my jaw also come up sore and big, he said thats good, it is just them doing their job, but is it normal for glands to come up so big with just spots?

Today I have a few more flared up, really big and hard and very sore glands under my ear/jaw area:-( It is really knocking my confidence, and I feel so ugly at the moment.

Anyone been through this, and how was it treated?I am 31, I came off the pill at the end of July so surely it can't still be hormonal.

18-10-10, 14:03
Hi there
Yes like you I had years of spots boils etc. Tried every lotion n potion known to man!!!!
It's totally normal for glands to swell they are protecting your body.
In the end I had to take a drug called Roaccutane. Very powerful hospital drug. But it worked for me.
Do you have a coil? Or take the pill. Cos that can make them worse.

i love tea
18-10-10, 14:09
Hi Larna, I'm afraid I don't have much wisdom to share, but I just wanted to let you know that I know exactly how you feel. I'm 32 and my skin is really awful at the moment - it makes me feel really low, unattractive and self-conscious. I've just been given Zineryt to try - other different lotions and pills haven't really worked. It's so rubbish - didn't really get spots when I was a teenager :shrug:

I do find mine is definitely hormonal - they start in the middle of my cycle and then ease off again after my period starts.

I hope you find something that works for you, hun x

18-10-10, 14:20
Hi there
Yes like you I had years of spots boils etc. Tried every lotion n potion known to man!!!!
It's totally normal for glands to swell they are protecting your body.
In the end I had to take a drug called Roaccutane. Very powerful hospital drug. But it worked for me.
Do you have a coil? Or take the pill. Cos that can make them worse.

That is my worry, that I will need strong meds to control them. I am just fed up of it now.

I feel like going back to my GP, but he said try another 4 weeks, but ive had these bad spots since the begining of September now and they are getting worse not better.

I had the pill, but stopped in July.

18-10-10, 14:21
Hi Larna, I'm afraid I don't have much wisdom to share, but I just wanted to let you know that I know exactly how you feel. I'm 32 and my skin is really awful at the moment - it makes me feel really low, unattractive and self-conscious. I've just been given Zineryt to try - other different lotions and pills haven't really worked. It's so rubbish - didn't really get spots when I was a teenager :shrug:

I do find mine is definitely hormonal - they start in the middle of my cycle and then ease off again after my period starts.

I hope you find something that works for you, hun x

Thank you.

I just don't want to end up on oral antibiotics, as they just aren't good for you and I have IBS so need to avoid anti bs where I can.

They are really big and rock hard, very rarely get a head. Are these normal spots?

paula lynne
18-10-10, 14:22
Hi I use a soap from LUSH called FRESH PHARMACY...it smells a bit like chalomine lotion, but its packed with natural anti-bacterials and soothing oils for skin, has really helped my spots x

18-10-10, 14:24
I would go back to the GP if your skin is getting worse not better!!!

I had bad skin when i was 19. I too used Roaccutane and it really works. Theres no bad side effects aparts from your skin being a little bit dry.

18-10-10, 14:27

I shall make an appointment I think, I can't carry on with my spots like this. THey are really big, hard and sore, and as soon as one goes another flares up:-( I have quite a few on my face at the moment.

i love tea
18-10-10, 14:35
Hi Larna, yes - my spots are often like yours - big, hard and very sore, often with no head and they create red scars sometimes...

I would go back to the GP if your skin is getting worse not better!!!

I had bad skin when i was 19. I too used Roaccutane and it really works. Theres no bad side effects aparts from your skin being a little bit dry.

I know that Roaccutane really does help a lot of people, but I have to disagree with the comment about there being no bad side effects - my huband was presribed it when he was a teenager - it caused depression, blood in his urine, and he had to have regular blood tests as it can affect your liver. His skin became incredibly dry and he still has to moisturise twice a day 15 years later!

That soap sounds great, Paula Lynne - think I might get me some :yesyes:

18-10-10, 14:51

I would not want to go on that, I just googled it and we are hoping to try for another baby next year so I want to be free of any drugs.

I have just rung my Dr's and can see him a week today. So I shall battle on for a week feeling this crap, hopefully things will improve but I doubt it, lol! I say that every week in hope;-)

18-10-10, 19:10
Is it acne if they are really hard lumps?

19-10-10, 10:13
ive suffered with bad skin since being 11 yrs old it only really effected my face in my teens but i still suffer at 44 never been free only while i was on the combined pill which i cant take because of high blood pressure now.Ive took antibiotic from drs i was on them for years made no difference lotions/creams/herbal tablets you name it ive tried it My face is not effected really now its my back and with all the pretty low back fashions that have come out now left me really fed up and restricted in what i could buy so in desperation and i know alot of people are going to say this is extreme but i went to a tattoo parlour and had a very pretty but quite large tattoo on my upper back and now i wear what i want i know this is not the answer for everyone with problem skin on their back but it worked for me x

19-10-10, 19:03
Has anyone tryed the FREEDERM cream or their other skin treatments .very good. A BIT EXPENSIVE ,My GP gave me cream on prescription. only for acne though Lana.

19-10-10, 22:22
Has your GP seen you when the spots have been really bad cos maybe thats th ebest time for him to see them. I use teatree oil it drys them out and is herbal but dont know if it will help you if yours are really bad maybe worth a try. tc

19-10-10, 22:24
My gp prescribed me Duac today? It's a lotion for acne.

I showed him my bad spots, he said they're nodule acne. He saw my glands were raised in jaw area but didn't suggest oral antibiotics, I thought he would but he didn't seem concerned, he said it was ok.