View Full Version : anxiety symptoms, do they appear when not anxious? please help

18-10-10, 14:21
not posted in a while because ive been ok but now im not and im starting to worry a bit.
i seem to get this weird vibrating in my body as tho im cold (mostly comes on when stressed) and im still get palpitations too and recently (like right now) ive got a heavy feeling in my left arm and yesterday i had the tingling, twitching muscles etc etc..

i seem to also get it when im not exactly anxious, altho i am overall one of those people with severe anxiety.
i can be ok one minute and in severe panic the next!!!
im convincing myself i have a heart problem or early warning signs of heart attack.
when i have these symptoms i take my blood pressure and everything is perfect, pulse too, but that doesnt mean anything does it? i could still have signs of heart attack and have perfect blood pressure?

im also convinced i now have MS...
I have always been anxious but never suffered much from symptoms and stuff which is why im worrying all the more..
in general i feel like my hand and arm has dropped to sleep- i also get tingling face too.

the latest symptom i have noticed just recently that i seem to have had for years now that i didnt associate with anxiety, is metallic taste in the mouth... i always thought it was bleeding gums even tho i couldnt see them bleeding..
i also get weird pain between shoulder blades- my worrying symptoms so far are dead left arm and hand and aching near the lungs at the back (shoulder blades)
not sure what to make of it.

oh, sweaty palms too and when im really worrying i go all funny and feel like i need to sit down.
ive been esp stressed lately

forgot to add that i have now developed a problem where i cant talk to 'new people'
if i talk to someone on the phone i get palpitations and feel all panicky and the same when i pick my son up from nursery- i dont like talking to people because i feel myself getting all anxious, i get palpitations and i cant breathe....
wtf is that about? i never had that issue before.

18-10-10, 15:03
With anxiety it's easy to fall in and out of every kind of anxiety even though it's not the anxiety disorder you'd class yourself as having personally. It sounds like you've developed a bit of social anxiety due to your health/general anxiety. Don't worry though, it's happend to most of us!

Anyway, to answer your question, yes anxiety symptoms can come on even though you're not feeling paticularly anxious. I was anxiety free for a good 3/4 weeks and still had chest pain, palpitations, missed beats etc but I just completely ignored them cuz I was feeling so good. I read that even though you may not be anxious, your body gets used the adrenaline so it releases it itself because it thinks it's supposed to, causing the anxiety symptoms we hate so much! x

18-10-10, 15:05
Do you think the body ever readjusts and releases the right amout of adrenaline after sustained low anxiety levels?

18-10-10, 15:09
Yea! You just gotta give it time. I probably wasn't 100% anxiety free because you cant just go from 100 - 0 just like that if you think about it. It takes time for your body to readjust. Like for me I've been sending adrenaline around my body inapropriately for about 7 months with occasional breaks, then all of a sudden I feel ok my body's like "..what..?" so just sends some out anyway, causing symptoms! Eventually it would stop doing it. x

19-10-10, 16:10
Annoying that even when I'm not anxious I feel awful.
kind of defeats the point of trying so hard not to get anxious.
If it's anxiety causing this then surely not being anxious should be the remedy, seems nothing works.

19-10-10, 16:17
Hmm, yes it is very very hard because even though we're not anxious we're getting symptoms which of course we react to and set oursevles off all over again. I guess we have to learn to stop reacting and maybe our body would start releasing adrenaline as and when we REALLY need it instead of constantly. So hard to stop reacting to it though, the minute I get a missed beat or chest pain I'm pretty much hanging off the ceiling latley =/ x

19-10-10, 22:16
i get a dead/floppy right arm and hand too. Ive been looking it up loads on the net and i think its depersonalization. common thing for anxiety sufferers. I get it everyday but im learning to cope with it now. My arm feels weak and heavy but then other times its floppy and dead like its not attachd to my body and i cant feel it attached to me!! very weird but its deffo anxiety and nothing more. the breathing thing is hyperventilation. the most common symptom of anxiety, nuffin to worry about. about ur heart, have u had an ecg? this would show up if i had anything wrong with ur heart. people cant just get heart attack out of the blue, there has to be something going on within the heart to cause it to have the attack. and ecg would show this. u sound very anxious hun, have u been referred for CBT and ru on meds? go for both, it will help you think and learn to be more rational with ur thinking. all of the symptoms u have listed are anxiety symptoms, especially the need to sit down when u get all 'funny'. this is exactly wot i get. i lay on the sofa when it happens to me and think about whats on the tv and do sum gentle breathing. all helps :)9 its just adrenalin doing this to you, making you feel like u need to sit down etc etc. its all adrenalin. whewn we are anxious this stuff pumps around our entire bloodstream, thats why we have so many sympotoms in all different places lol. this is all anxiety, and u def need to speak with local mental health team about this as, like me, without the right treatment it will just escalate. tke cre and try n smile, i know its hard hunny, but u can do this xxxx ps. u dont have MS!!!! xxx