View Full Version : It's weird

18-10-10, 15:03
When I joined this forum I had only a few problems, stomach problems, constant dizziness and tight/sore throat occasionally and since I read all the symptoms you can get I developed them.
Is the body that powerful?
I remember saying to my friend "well at least I don't have muscle twitching and tingling" and then that same week the twitches in my calves started and haven't faded!
Does anyone else feel CONSTANTLY achy, I've tried rubs and hot water bottle but it's like I've constantly strained my body.
I also get a daily weird skin sensation that can last all day, my face feels burny and parts of my body.

18-10-10, 17:36
Oh, and does anybody think any of my symptoms could be down to the sertraline I'm on?
I'm on week 5 though so I doubt I'd be getting side effects now at this late a stage.

18-10-10, 17:50
hi midnight, i get the burning face thing... feels very hot and prickly and i get this on my neck and chest too... almost like a nervous thing.

i try to not read too many threads on this forum as i tend to latch onto other peoples worries and symptoms... i can only advise you do the same..

good luck x