View Full Version : Banged my head

18-10-10, 15:13
I banged the top of my head on the corner of my kitchen unit. Quite a sharp bang.

Pain has subsided but i do have quite a strong headache all over. Bearing in mind though I do have a bit of flu.

But having banged my head im worried about potential bleed on the brain or tumor.

Any advice much appreciated! :weep:

18-10-10, 15:17
Ouch! Could you not go to the hospital for a quick check just to put your mind at rest? Oh, and your head will be hurting cuz you banged it and your poorly not cuz you have a tumor! So please don't worry yourself over that x

18-10-10, 17:19
I doubt banging your noggin on a side will cause any problems. I've done it copious times :D You should speak to your GP if you passed out afterwards though, but im guessing that you didnt as you didnt mention it :)

margaret jones
18-10-10, 17:22
owwww my huibby about 1 hr ago pulled the car boot lid down right on the top of my head the language was blue (mine ) but even though it hurt like yours did it will be ok like you will be . sorry you have the flu hope you soon feel better

18-10-10, 17:27
I bang my head all the time!
i'm such a clutz!

18-10-10, 17:28
Oooh guys.
The FIRST time I noticed my pupils being different sizes was the night of a massive head bang I got from jumping up and hitting it on a metal pole.
That was 6 years ago, you think it was cos of that?
Probably damaged myself didn't I!

18-10-10, 18:09
If you focus on your pupil in the mirror midnightcalm, it will change size to focus and the other eye will not as much because you are using one eye to focus on that eye and you cant look at both eyes to compare them properly because you can only focus on one...in...the...mirror ok ive confused myself now. Thanks for that. But basically your pupils change size constantly, is it possible to compare them? Unless other people have noticed that as well in which case ignore me.

Peter, you still alive mate? Good thought so, because if you hit your head hard enough to cause bleeding you would really know about it. You would go AAAAGGGGGH *PLONK on kitchen floor* and then you would have the common sense to calmly call an ambulance. The key is, be worried if it really really really hurts or you go blind or something. But I just know you are fine.

18-10-10, 19:10
Hey Peter - remember when you hit your head getting onto the tube (I think it was you!)? Nothing happened then, right? And nothing will happen now, except for maybe a bruise/bump and a bit of a headache. I banged mine recently on the corner of that extractor fan hood thing I have over the cooker that I don't use and keep forgetting is there.


18-10-10, 20:05
Hey Peter - remember when you hit your head getting onto the tube (I think it was you!)? Nothing happened then, right? And nothing will happen now, except for maybe a bruise/bump and a bit of a headache. I banged mine recently on the corner of that extractor fan hood thing I have over the cooker that I don't use and keep forgetting is there.


Hi Dahlia, yep that was me banging my head on tube. :shades:

Well i feel okay guys. I do have a strong headache that comes and goes but prob down to the flu.

Cheers all, you make me feel better! :hugs: