View Full Version : Being signed off work!!

18-10-10, 16:17
Have many other people been off work for a long time due to panic attacks. I was advised by my work and occupational health to take health care leave for 6 months. All I am getting is statutory sick pay which I think runs out soon. Does anyone know of benefits I could claim. It's making me more stressed and anxious :-( x

cornwall dan
18-10-10, 16:44

Ive been signed off work and it will be almost 3 years now due to panic attacks and anxiety,i cant even go on holiday to relax because the traveling makes me worse after 2 attempts including my honeymoon:weep:
I started claiming income support and housing benefit when i was first signed off but recently ive been told ive been on that long enough so im being changed to incapacity benefit.
Go to the job center or better still ring up and they do the interview on the phone(about 40 mins) then they tell you what you need to do.The only draw back is sometimes you have to see a back to work doctor who can sign you back to work but dont worry with our problems they can tell ya not with it.
I dont like being on benefits but id swap with some one well and working in a second to not feel like this!

18-10-10, 17:08
Ive been signed off work before. It was a long time ago though, so Im not sure if I was getting sick pay or incapacity benefits. I'm currently claiming incapacity benefits and have done for the past 4 years.

18-10-10, 19:23
I had to leave my job due to panic attacks and anxiety. Iv been off work for 2 and half years now.

I am on ESA benefit, i had to have a medical which i failed, but i appealed and after waiting a year my my appeal date i won!

love mandie x